¿Cómo apoya a los empleados en nuevos roles? (2024)

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  1. Todo
  2. Gestión del talento

Con tecnología de la IA y la comunidad de LinkedIn


Evaluar sus necesidades


Proporcionar capacitación relevante


Asignar un mentor o entrenador


Fomente la colaboración y la retroalimentación


Reconocer y recompensar los logros


Apoyar su bienestar


Esto es lo que más debe considerar

Cuando los empleados asumen nuevos roles, se enfrentan a nuevos desafíos, oportunidades y expectativas. Como gerente de talento, desea ayudarlos a tener éxito y crecer en sus carreras. ¿Cómo apoya a los empleados en nuevos roles? Aquí hay algunos consejos a considerar.

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¿Cómo apoya a los empleados en nuevos roles? (1)

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  • Ravi Rangaraju, DTM Senior HR Business Partner @ Thomson Reuters | Business Enabler | Master Coach | Distinguished Toastmaster

    ¿Cómo apoya a los empleados en nuevos roles? (3) 4

  • Paul Van Dillen MBA

    ¿Cómo apoya a los empleados en nuevos roles? (5) 2

  • Sushant Kumar Siingh Head HR East Nestlé▫️Ex Amazon ITC▫️TIME▫️XISS8+ Y | FMCG | Retail | Manufacturing | Tech | PharmaHrbp | ER | IR | OD…

    ¿Cómo apoya a los empleados en nuevos roles? (7) ¿Cómo apoya a los empleados en nuevos roles? (8) 13

¿Cómo apoya a los empleados en nuevos roles? (9) ¿Cómo apoya a los empleados en nuevos roles? (10) ¿Cómo apoya a los empleados en nuevos roles? (11)

1 Evaluar sus necesidades

Antes de asignar cualquier capacitación, entrenamiento o tutoría, debe comprender lo que sus empleados necesitan aprender y realizar en sus nuevos roles. Puede utilizar varios métodos para evaluar sus necesidades, como encuestas, entrevistas, comentarios, autoevaluaciones o pruebas de habilidades. Con base en los resultados, puede identificar las brechas, fortalezas y objetivos de cada empleado y adaptar su apoyo en consecuencia.

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  • Paul Van Dillen MBA
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    Be accessible for continued support. New employees often have questions that Talent Managers can easily answer. Provide new employees with an action plan including timeframes, scheduled training and weekly 1:1 with managment.



    ¿Cómo apoya a los empleados en nuevos roles? (20) 2

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  • Sushant Kumar Siingh Head HR East Nestlé▫️Ex Amazon ITC▫️TIME▫️XISS8+ Y | FMCG | Retail | Manufacturing | Tech | PharmaHrbp | ER | IR | OD | Sales HR | Plant Hrbp | RewardsHR Transformation | Org Efficiency | Org Restructuring
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    Need assessment by Scientific management should be the 1st step when an incumbent is taking up a new role. A good way is a Task Analysis. Leverage a time motion or a work study that will identify the start to end node of tasks that consolidate across each role. Enlist the activities, basis which a detailed skill inventory listicle can be prepared. This listicle provides a good view of the KSBs required by any incumbent in that specific role. This is how a mapping can be done & a development program can be deployed. This further can take the shape of a standard framework that can become a plug & play model for future references. Effecyiveness KPIs like, Tat to settle, time of handholding, independent management can be monitored



    ¿Cómo apoya a los empleados en nuevos roles? (29) ¿Cómo apoya a los empleados en nuevos roles? (30) 13

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  • Vincent Burruano Sales and Business Success Coach | Sales Trainer | Leadership and Talent Development | Mentor | Author | Speaker | Practical Sales Wisdom | Sales Advice | Commercial Relocation, Logistics, and Mobility Advisor


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    While providing training opportunities for people in a current role is beneficial, it is often a better idea, when possible, to provide those learning experiences before someone is in their new role. This will give them the opportunity to be better prepared when they step into the role as well as enlighten them to some aspects of a new role (example, first time supervisor) they may not have considered. Too often someone who is technically proficient is promoted for what they currently do well without the skill set to do the next level position. It is within our power to better prepare everyone for a successful transition.



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  • Kevin Onarecker Author of "Selling Smarter" | Sales Training | Sales Coaching | Fractional Sales Leader | Sales Process | Executive Coaching | Leadership Development | Communication | Workshops

    The best practice is that the assessment of skills, abilities, strengths, and areas of development should begin in the interview process.Earning the new responsibilities should mean the individual was generally capable, to begin with. That is not to suggest further development should not occur, but it is to say that far too often individuals are hired or promoted into roles they were not fully prepared for. Challenges predictably begin to appear soon after - then it is a matter of how to mitigate them.The hiring manager/team should work from a fully formed job description and requirements. Commercially available assessments help as well.



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2 Proporcionar capacitación relevante

La capacitación es esencial para ayudar a los empleados a adquirir los conocimientos, habilidades y competencias que necesitan para sus nuevos roles. Sin embargo, no todos los entrenamientos son iguales. Debe proporcionar capacitación relevante, atractiva y efectiva que coincida con los estilos de aprendizaje, las preferencias y las necesidades de sus empleados. Puede utilizar diferentes formatos, como cursos en línea, seminarios web, talleres o simulaciones, e incorporar comentarios, cuestionarios y oportunidades de práctica. También debe monitorear el progreso y el impacto de la capacitación y ajustarla según sea necesario.

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  • Sushant Kumar Siingh Head HR East Nestlé▫️Ex Amazon ITC▫️TIME▫️XISS8+ Y | FMCG | Retail | Manufacturing | Tech | PharmaHrbp | ER | IR | OD | Sales HR | Plant Hrbp | RewardsHR Transformation | Org Efficiency | Org Restructuring
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    Once a listicle is ready & a detailed training assessment is done the following training’s can be deployed,1. On the Job - Provide assignments & projects in the role2. Behavioural Inputs - Via feedback on an As in Basis3. Skill Upgradation - Deploy updated technology & partners to upklill the incumbents basis the gaps identified.4. Leverage in house specialists as Train the trainers5. Leverage a solid handing over module for knowledge transfer6. Simulations can be helpful. Effectiveness of the training interventions is key. Set of KPIs must be developed to ensure that the training deployed has a direction to reache. This is also important to gauge health of the respective training system & can serve as a continuous improvement plan.



    ¿Cómo apoya a los empleados en nuevos roles? (57) ¿Cómo apoya a los empleados en nuevos roles? (58) 11

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  • Kevin Onarecker Author of "Selling Smarter" | Sales Training | Sales Coaching | Fractional Sales Leader | Sales Process | Executive Coaching | Leadership Development | Communication | Workshops
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    Prior to training, clear goals and expectations should be agreed upon between leadership and employee. Also, KPIs that indicate progress or lack thereof. Regularly scheduled coaching meetings should occur. In the beginning, at least weekly. That way challenges, needs, and successes can be identified, acknowledged, and recognized. Mutual input should lead to any further developmental steps - this way the employee and leader are aligned and the process is "owned" by both.



    ¿Cómo apoya a los empleados en nuevos roles? (67) 4

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3 Asignar un mentor o entrenador

Un mentor o entrenador puede proporcionar orientación, apoyo y retroalimentación valiosos a los empleados en nuevos roles. Pueden ayudarlos a navegar por la cultura organizacional, establecer contactos con otros colegas, superar desafíos y desarrollar su potencial. Puede asignar un mentor o entrenador de dentro o fuera de la organización, dependiendo de la disponibilidad, experiencia y compatibilidad de los candidatos. También debe asegurarse de que el mentor o entrenador tenga expectativas, roles y responsabilidades claras, y que se comuniquen regularmente con el empleado y con usted.

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  • Sushant Kumar Siingh Head HR East Nestlé▫️Ex Amazon ITC▫️TIME▫️XISS8+ Y | FMCG | Retail | Manufacturing | Tech | PharmaHrbp | ER | IR | OD | Sales HR | Plant Hrbp | RewardsHR Transformation | Org Efficiency | Org Restructuring


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    First, it’s important to understand who can be a mentor, this is the framework we adopt. The mentor for any incumbent must be1. One who is not in line of management of incumbent2. One who has handled the role earlier3. One who has been a solid performer in his present role 4. One who is tenured in the org to offer consultationAlso, a plan must be present for constant feedback & a solid review mechanism must be assigned as a part of the curriculum. The plan of performance of the incumbent must be linked to the growth parameters & the annual performance of the Mentor to garner accountability.



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  • Vincent Burruano Sales and Business Success Coach | Sales Trainer | Leadership and Talent Development | Mentor | Author | Speaker | Practical Sales Wisdom | Sales Advice | Commercial Relocation, Logistics, and Mobility Advisor
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    If you really want the coach/mentor engagement to be meaningful, it is going to require a tremendous amount of trust. While you certainly should encourage everyone to have a coach/mentor, I do not think you can simply assign someone to that role. We should each choose our own coach/mentor to assist us and help us grow.The only exception might be with onboarding a new team member. Assigning someone who is currently a member of the team to act as "guide" can be helpful in the beginning.



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4 Fomente la colaboración y la retroalimentación

Los empleados en nuevos roles pueden beneficiarse de la colaboración y el aprendizaje de sus compañeros, gerentes y otras partes interesadas. Puede facilitar esto creando oportunidades para que trabajen en proyectos, compartan ideas e intercambien comentarios con otros. También puede usar herramientas, como plataformas en línea, foros o grupos de chat, para permitirles comunicarse y colaborar de forma remota. La colaboración y la retroalimentación pueden ayudar a los empleados en nuevos roles a obtener conocimientos, perspectivas y confianza.

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  • Sushant Kumar Siingh Head HR East Nestlé▫️Ex Amazon ITC▫️TIME▫️XISS8+ Y | FMCG | Retail | Manufacturing | Tech | PharmaHrbp | ER | IR | OD | Sales HR | Plant Hrbp | RewardsHR Transformation | Org Efficiency | Org Restructuring
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    Encourage the following 1. QnA sessions - Reward participations2. Leadership talks for senior executives in leadership roles 3. All hands must be organised to gather open feedback and improvement points 4. Plan inter branch visits to enable connect & collaboration 5. Create forums of collaboration for incumbents 6. Encourage participation on virtual forums 7. Encourage & recognize out of the way problem solvers 8. Help assist with transition through better team work management These are few ways how collaboration can happen



    ¿Cómo apoya a los empleados en nuevos roles? (95) ¿Cómo apoya a los empleados en nuevos roles? (96) 12

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    Here's a cool idea that companies could try to support their people in their new roles: "Role Transition Mentoring Pods".Imagine creating 'Role Transition Mentoring Pods' – a dynamic support system for employees stepping into new roles. Instead of the traditional one-on-one mentoring, this approach would involve forming small, cross-functional groups of employees who are all transitioning into different roles within the organization. The pod members would collaboratively tackle scenarios, case studies, and simulations related to their new roles.This approach with "Pods" naturally encourage collaboration across departments, and promotes peer learning, enabling employees to learn from one another's experiences.



    ¿Cómo apoya a los empleados en nuevos roles? (105) 1

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5 Reconocer y recompensar los logros

Una de las mejores maneras de apoyar a los empleados en nuevos roles es reconocer y recompensar sus logros. Esto puede motivarlos a seguir aprendiendo, mejorando y entregando resultados. Puede utilizar diferentes métodos para reconocer y recompensar a los empleados, como elogios verbales, reconocimiento público, bonificaciones, incentivos o avance profesional. También debe ser específico, oportuno y consistente en sus prácticas de reconocimiento y recompensa, y alinearlas con los valores y objetivos de la organización.

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  • Ravi Rangaraju, DTM Senior HR Business Partner @ Thomson Reuters | Business Enabler | Master Coach | Distinguished Toastmaster
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    Recognition, and positive reinforcement play such an important role in creating a positive mental framework in employees. A pat on the job, congratulating for a job well done - and keeping it timely will go a long way in building engagement and trust



    ¿Cómo apoya a los empleados en nuevos roles? (114) 4

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  • Teresa Miller Interested in Remote Opportunities
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    Keep an open door so that employees feel comfortable voicing how they feel. Make sure you offer solutions for whatever concerns they may have. Nothing is more uncomfortable than being in a place that is new and no where to go for assistance



    ¿Cómo apoya a los empleados en nuevos roles? (123) 4

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6 Apoyar su bienestar

Los empleados en nuevos roles pueden experimentar estrés, ansiedad o incertidumbre a medida que se adaptan a los cambios y expectativas. Como gerente de talento, debe apoyar su bienestar y ayudarlo a enfrentar los desafíos. Puede hacerlo proporcionándoles recursos, como asesoramiento, programas de bienestar o arreglos de trabajo flexibles. También puede consultar con ellos regularmente, escuchar sus preocupaciones y ofrecer su empatía y apoyo.

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  • Neeraj Narayan Entrepreneur I Investor I Mentor ICEO, Co-Founder - Synergy India Ventures Inc I
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    Supporting employees' well-being as they transition into new roles is critical. As a manager, coach, or peer at Nike Inc., we would focus on providing effective support:Wellness Programs and Resources: Offer access to wellness programs that focus on mental, emotional, and physical well-being.Peer Support Networks: Foster a sense of community among employees by encouraging the formation of peer support networks. This can provide employees with a platform to share experiences, exchange tips, and offer emotional support



    ¿Cómo apoya a los empleados en nuevos roles? (132) 2

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  • Illias Chen Hung Yang Planning/Sourcing (Business) Director at HuaLi Industrial Group
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    We have all heard the saying "a happy employee is much more productive than an unhappy employee". This is easier said than done. If we relate to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, I would say that most new employees are usually trying to fulfil their physiological and safety needs at the new job, thus the "margin of error" becomes a source of stress and anxiety. They have stress from outside of work, and one may just break down due to the stress accumulated. So, the context of "happy employee" becomes intriguing - what makes one "happy"? We will never create happiness for new employee, but creating the atmosphere and vibe that "in here, you can find what you want to search for", then I think embarking on this journey will make one happy.



    ¿Cómo apoya a los empleados en nuevos roles? (141) 1

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7 Esto es lo que más debe considerar

Este es un espacio para compartir ejemplos, historias o ideas que no encajan en ninguna de las secciones anteriores. ¿Qué más le gustaría añadir?

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  • Anirudh Kuthiala I build solutions to simplify things
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    I always create a 3-6 week ramp up roadmap. It includes:1. Introductory meetings with team and stakeholders2. Organizational leadership acumen3. Tools access and acquintaince4. Business acumen by SMEs5. Addition to team meetings and business reviews6. Meetings to check in on progress of onboarding and open questions7. Tasks with the manager or a team memeber shadowingWorked all the time and most importantly, created a great onboarding experience



    ¿Cómo apoya a los empleados en nuevos roles? (150) 9

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    All the suggestions in this article are valid and important. However, one of the key gaps for new employees that isn’t addressed here is creating a sense of community and belonging for new employees. It’s easy for organizations to assume that because a new employee has a manager and is part of a team, that will provide an adequate sense of community and belonging. Unfortunately, that’s rarely the case, especially in the early days.This makes for a terrible experience at one of the loneliest, most difficult times of employment. This leaves employees questioning their decision to join and shaping their overall view of the organization without the encouragement and positive influence of others.



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¿Cómo apoya a los empleados en nuevos roles? (2024)


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.