Mews World 3.0--Where your Journey Begins (2024)

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I'm not sure if all of these work, please, if you have any information AT ALL on them PLEASE tell me! It will help me sooo mcuh!

WARNING: Missingno. is said to be a virus. It could delete your saved game and even your Pokemon game it self. Neither I nor Nintendo of America Inc. is responsible if your Pokemon game or any saved games are erased. It didn't delete my game but it has to others so get Missingno. at your own risk! This code really does work so you can try it if you want!

Missingno. is the result of Pokemon you can't catch in your version and the computer creates it in replace of wild Pokemon. That's all I really know about Missingno.

If you still want to catch Missingno. then here is how to. First trade with any person in the game (I recommend any of the trainers in the Pokemon Lab at Cinnabar Island). Then go to the bottom right corner of the Cinnabar Island and surf up and down on the coast so that you are half on land half on water. You can also get him by surfing up and down the coast of Seafoam Island. While surfing make sure you are half on water half on land. Keep doing it until you get into a battle. A black screen will come for about 5-10 seconds but then you'll see a messed up Pokemon called missingno. This pokemon is at level 80 but has very little defense. I recommend using a low level Pokemon against him. Get him down pretty far and capture him. I recommend getting his power to where it is less then 1/4th the way down and putting him to sleep then using probably 2 ultra balls. Follow these directions exactly for this code to work!

Before you get missingno; switch a item in your item box (its best to do something liek Master ball, moon stone, Rare candy ETC. Stuf that sells for big bucks or thats hard to find) to the sixth place and then encounter missingno. Catch him then the sixth item in your box should have a weird thing next to it(It takes a while for the sign to kick in). It means that, that item has become infinite.

Follow the instructions for catching missingno. but make sure you havea nugget in your inventory. After you catch him if it doesn't mess upyour game, a flower and 0 will appear where the number of nuggets you own should be. Go to a Pokemon Mart and sell all of yournuggets. The flower and 0 really mean 100! You will get $500,000dollars for all of your nuggets. Missingno. doesn't really erase yourgame it just distorts the pictures. If you don't use him you game willremain the same.

WARNING: I've never done this code (and I don't plan to) so I don't know if it works or not. This might also be a virus if it works so get Mysterio also at your own risk. Many people said that this works but if you have any questions please e-mail me and I'll try to find out about it.

Fly to Viridian City, and talk to the guy who teaches you how to catchPokemonNow Fly back to Cinnabar Island, and surf on the right shoreYou're not guaranteed to catch Mysterio however, you might end up meetingextremely high level Pokemon, MissingNo, and another MissingNo-likeglitch, and pokemon's level being higher than 150 is just a graphicalglitch, in which it turns back to level 100 once you battle with itNote...Mysterio and MissingNo. is a glitch that can seriously mess up yourgame if you do complicated stuff involving them with it (e.g. beating Elite4 and putting them on the Hall of Fame)


This might not work but there is a super pikachu that is five pikachu in one first you buy the magickarp form the guy in the pokecenterthen you find every one who wants to trade and trade with all of them, then teach a snorlax to before you fight Loreleisurf on your snorlax up and down the edge of the dock and it will appear!

2 game boys
2 pokemon game boy games does not mater what color
1 connector cable

what to do:
turn on both game boys with the connector cable hooked on,
game boy A will get Charmander first,
game boy B will get squirtle,
game boy B will trade squirtle to Game boy A,
game boy B will turn off the game boy and start a new game,
then game boy B will get Bulbasaur, and he will trade Bulbasaur to gameboy A.

This way you can start off with these three of the starting pokemon. This makes it easier to get through towns, fields, etc..


Switch your Great Balls with you Master Ball. You should get 99 Master Balls! This doesn't work all the time, but it does most of it.


I only know how to get 2 pokegods, if you know any more, please tll me. First, to get ANY of them you haveto get all 150 pokemon. Then you put Moltres,Articuno, and Zapdos atthe top of your active list. Go to Saphron city and talk to thephysic dude who gave you the physic TM. He'll tell you about thePokegods.


Go to the water next to the "unknown dungeon" and use the itemfinder.Soon, you should find a note inside a pokeball telling you about amysterious pokemon near Cinnabar Island. Swim up and down the coast(right side, I think) until you find pikablu. He's tough and I suggestyou use a masterball. He has Ice and Electric abilities. (Don't ask mehow!)

Flareth(if you get This guy... tell me what he look like! PLEASE!)

Put the three legendary birds at the top of your active list(Articuno,Moltres,and Zapdos)then go to the top floor of the Celadon citydepartment store. Talk to the thirsty girl who wines for a drink. DOTHAT 100 TIMES! Finally she offers you a Flareth if you go away.

NOTE: The's may be rumors, so don't be mad if they don't work.


Go to Fuchsia City and then go down to the shore. Go left to right 20 times then go to the Safari Zone. Togepy and Pikablu should be right there!


First go to the safari zone and surf about 25 times half land and half water. Next get off and look around. There will be a few MISSINGNO. but I don't recommend catching them. After awhile a pikablu or Togepy will show up!!!! These pokemon are extremely hard to catch. But if you do catch them then they even update your pokedex! Pikablus infromation in the pokedex is: A rare specimen created by altering a pikachu's genetic code. That's what it says!!!! I don't know togepy's info, sorry

First, Get Eevee and all the Evolved forms. Then, Bring them and a Pikachu in the Pokeballs that you carry. Get a water stone and take all that stuff to Bill. Look at each of the Pokemon on his PC 10 times a piece. Then talk to him and he will tell you how to get pikablu. The ways to get it verry from game to game.


If you go to the fisherman who gave you the super rod and talk to him one hundred times he will give you a new rod called the ultra rod that could even catch a squrrtle with.


To fight Blaine again, you have to go to Viridian City and talk to the guy who teaches u how to catch pokemon. Then go to Cinnabar Island and surf on the right side, half-on-water, half-on-land. Fight Mysterio and beat him. Then surf the same away again and u should fight Blain. All of his pokemon are Lv. 32, his pokemon named 8 which is a glitch, a Nidorino that has a glitched name, a Missingno, a pokemon that has a glitched name, and another Nidorino with a glitched name. U will know if your fighting him if the screen is black for 3-4 seconds, and the music will change.

If you go into a Pokemart that you never been inbefore and select Pokeballs and say that you want 3 Pokeballs and the guyat the counter will say "that will be $600" but he will take no money!

I doubt this code works but hey, you never know! I don't really think This is worth a shot, but some people don't care! Just... save before you do this PLEASE! FOR YOUR OWN SAKE!!!!!

To get 500 hundred kinds of species of pokemon first get all 150 pokemon release of them except 1 and then go were you got the Eevee then there be a poke ball then when you take it there will be more until you ha 500 this has the poke gods.


To get 3 tms for cheap go up to the top level of the Celadon store. Buy one of each type of drinks. Then go over to the girl that wines about being thirsty and she will ask if you want to give her a drink. Say yes and shell give you a tm, go out of the store and then go back repeat this with the two other drinks and you will end upwith 3 tms. Soon I will have a list of all of them up.

Soda Pop- Rock slide

Go to the hotel in Celadon city. Go all the way to the right wall,and face the counter with one space between you and it. Push a and your pc menu will pop out.


This code is unreliable but once it works you'll be happy. First, run to a pokemon that you don't have and make sure to have some great balls. Go to items and pick the great ball. Right when you throw it hold up and (b) until the Pokemon is captured. Don't try this on Mewtwo.


First, go to a spot that you like. Then use a good or super rod. If it says "not even a nibble" then quickly use the rod again. This way no time will go off your time limit. Just make sure not to move. This is great for finding a Dratini, of course, the actual catching is quite a bit harder, just don't hurt it too much, that the only trick there really is!


catching pokemon from the Safarizone while not in the Safarizone

This trick is great because you can catch Pokemon from the Safari Zone using Ultra or Great balls. First, got to one patch in the Safari Zone and keep fighting there until the time runs out. Then fly to Cinnabar island pokecenter. Make sure you have a Pokemon with surf. Walk straight to the coast of the island, the part on the right. Surf up and down on the coast, where it looks like your pokemon are half on land and half on the water. Keep surfing until you get into a fight. The funny thing is, the pokemon that you fight is a pokemon from the last patch of grass you were in!


There are many secret coins all over the game corner. To get them just walk around the place and keep pressing the (A) button.


If you want infinite chances to capture a Pokemon that only comes once like Zapdos or Snorlax (in its case 2) then right before you battle it you should save the game. Now, if you lose you can just turn off the Gameboy with out saving so you can try again!


When you are in the Safari Zone and you see a Pokemon that you want, automatically throw a safari ball at it. Right after you throw the ball on the X-pad hold the left and turn the X-pad counterclockwise until the pokemon is caught. This is not 100% accurate but it is around the 80% area.


This code is really great because you can give someone a Pokemon that you have and keep it your self! First, trade a Pokemon that you want both of you to have for a junk pokemon that your friend gives you. When the Game Boy of the good pokemon's screen says "waiting", get ready to shut the other one off. When the waiting disappears, turn off the Game Boy that's getting the bad Pokemon. When the other one says trade completed, turn that one off too. When you turn the games back on then both should have the good Pokemon!

When you are attacking just hold the "a" button the full time and then your attack will be stronger.

Hold right on the X-pad when a pokemon is attacking you and it won't be as powerful.

Don't worry about trading Pokemon because when you do it still says that you have the Pokemon that you traded so even though you don't really have it, it still counts as one!

Here's how to find Pokemon more easily! You need to walk around pushing the A button, you'll see more Pokemon! If you need to catch a Pokemon right away instead of walking around and not seeing that many, use this little trick!

This cheat is so that a Great Ball acts like a Master Ball. Just throw the Great Ball and press and hold up and "b" while the ball is going and you should catch the Pokemon!

Stand on top of a tree use cut on a tree stand on it then save it then turn off your game boy then turn it on again then you will be on top of the tree it you can also cut long grass.

I am testing all of the mew codes because I really REALLY REALLY want a mew, its kinda obvious i LUV mew!

Step 1: SEE all 150 Pokemon, if you get all 150 this wont workStep 2: Fight with someone in the Coliseum using a Game link cable. Step 3: Go to the place where you got Eevee and Mew will be patiently waiting in a Poke ball!

Just to tell you that there is another way to get Mew. First, you beat the game by getting all 150 Pokemon, but DO NOT go on the S.S. Anne. In order to get cut you must trade with another person who has cut. Then, go back to the S.S. Anne and surf to the right side of the bridge (past the guard). You will then see a truck, use strength on it. Mew will then pop out from under the truck. But you must fight it. I suggest using master ball.

First you must own at least 70 Pokemon then go over to were the S.S. Anne wasand surf up an down where it looks like your half on the dock and half onthe water!

Name a magikarp mew and drop it off at the daycare. after a while pick it upand it will be a mew! I suggest savin right outside the day care before you pick it up, that way you can look at it and if its still your old whimpy magikarp you can click off your game and you didn't spend all that money!

Ok, I know lotsa people that this has worked for, but I can't get it to work because my batteries keep dying. In VICTORY ROAD, make sure you have every item in there and make sure you fought every trainer and talk to them at least once, and make sure you have all 150 Pokemon. Then go to the spot where you caught MOLTRES and walk through the spot where MOLTRES was standing and eventually MEW will battle you(note: mew MUST attack (battle) you in the spot where MOLTRES was standing before, or else the trick wont work if a you get attacked outside of MOLTRES's standing)


You can cut grass by using cut and you wont have random battles in grassy places.

note: There is a grate ball on the third trash in the cafeteria on S.S.Anne.

You will need both games and two gameboys.All you have to do is keep on pressing on pressing trade until you hear a tone. You will have all 150 pokemon!!!

The codes are for game shark and game genie. You'll find this when you press the escape button on the keyboard, then go to utility and which ever one you want to use (shark or genie).
Game Shark:
Infinite Money:
Master Ball:
(Note: It will change the 1st item in your in your inventory, so if you want it to change a different item switch it around.)
(Note: Turn this cheat of once you catch one Mew.)
Game Genie:
Rare Candy:
(Note: you can only by rare candy in Viridian City, the one above Pallet Town.)

Trick to Getting Pokemon to L. 100 Using Game Shark





More Game Shark Codes







Get Missingno. Always

Make Trainers Keep Fighting

Infinite HP:

Infinite HP in Battle:

No Random Battles:

Infinite Energy for All Pokemon:(the other trainers too)

Fight Any Pokemon:
In order for the code above (Fight Any Pokemon) to work you must replace the XX with the code for the pokemon that you wish to fight. The next Pokemon you fight will be the one you chose by replacing the XX with the Pokemon code. When you fight it the picture might look messed up but you can still catch it. The level of the Pokemon depends on what the level of the Pokemon in that patch would normally be. Here is an example of the code, say you wanted to get Bulbasaur, then you would punch in0199D8CFYou would punch in the 99 because that is the Pokemon Number for Bulbasaur! Have fun!WARNING- This code may erase your game so use wisely! If you have "Mega Memory" then upload your game before doing this, thats why I test everything, something goes wrong and I just have to download the game.

Whoops, the other pokemon won't get on! I'll get them really soon though.

Mews World 3.0--Where your Journey Begins (2024)


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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

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Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.