My Granola Paleo Muffins Recipe - My Natural Family (2024)

Rebecca Baron 3 Comments

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These granola Paleo muffins are seriously the best choice to kick-start the day and are the perfect healthy on-the-go breakfast. The dough is mainly made from almond flour and thanks to the last-minute addition of the baking soda and folded-in whipped egg whites, the muffins have a great volume and a fluffy texture. The crunchy bite comes from the star ingredient - a thick layer of sticky Paleo granola and honey.

I originally got the idea for this recipe because I've been wanting something for breakfast I could make ahead of time and grab and because I had this Paleo granola * sitting in my pantry and I didn't know what to do with it.

It seemed too expensive to just eat plain and weird with no milk on it or on yogurt. Plus, I wanted more than just a little granola for my breakfast. So I thought I could make muffins with granola in them, but then I realized that would make them not crunchy if they were inside the muffins.

My Granola Paleo Muffins Recipe - My Natural Family (1)

Then I thought the granola could be good sprinkled on it, but I figured I couldn't get enough granola to stay on top to make it worth it. Then I came up with the idea of mixing the granola with honey to make them sticky so the granola would not only taste better, but a lot more of it could fit on the muffins. You might want to use my grain-free granola recipe to put on top of the muffins.

I think these muffins turned out delish. I'm excited to share them with you today. Please comment below and let me know what you think about them!

My Granola Paleo Muffins Recipe - My Natural Family (2)



My Granola Paleo Muffins Recipe - My Natural Family (3)

Almond Flour Paleo Muffins Recipe with Granola Topping

★★★★★5 from 1 review

  • Author: Rebecca Baron
  • Prep Time: 15 Minutes
  • Cook Time: 35 Minutes
  • Total Time: 50 minutes
  • Yield: 10 1x
  • Category: Breakfast
  • Cuisine: American
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Try these almond flour muffins today. You'll love the light texture of the muffins combined with the crunchy topping and are wonderful to make ahead of time for a quick breakfast-on-the-go.


  1. Preheat the oven to 325 F (160 C). Lightlygrease a 6-hole silicone muffin tin.
  2. In a small saucepan, melt the palm shortening or ghee then pour in a bowl and set aside to cool slightly.
  3. In a large bowl, combine almond flour, tapioca and salt.
  4. Separate the eggs, putting the whites in the bowl of a stand mixer.
  5. Place the yolks in the bowl with the melted butter, add in the maple syrup, vanilla extract and lemon juice and whisk to combine.
  6. Add the egg yolk mixture to the bowl with the flours and whisk until you get a smooth batter without lumps.
  7. Using a hand mixer, beat the eggs whites until soft peaks form. Stir the baking soda into the batter and then, using a spatula, beat in one-third of the whipped egg whites to lighten the batter. Gently fold in the rest of the egg whites.
  8. Pour 2 Tablespoons of batter into each hole and bake for about 35 minutes or until a wooden skewer poked into the center of a muffin comes out clean.
  9. While the muffins are baking, in a bowl combine the granola and honey until the mixture is very sticky. Set aside.
  10. Leave to set for about 5 minutes, then take the muffins out from the tin and place them on a cooling rack.
  11. Using a knife, spread some honey over the top of a muffin and straight after, top with granola mixture until you cover all the top of the muffin. Use more honey if needed! Repeat this operation for each muffin. Enjoy!


Recipe inspired byMy Paleo Patisserie

Keywords: light, crunchy, make-ahead, quick

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Reader Interactions


  1. Rebecca

    My 1-year-old was just diagnosed with milk, egg, and peanut allergies, but he can tolerate some egg if it's baked. I am searching for healthy foods he can actually eat. Can't wait to try the muffins!


  2. Andrea

    Thanks for the post. I need healthier options for my kids that don't include grains since I'm pretty certain we are all gluten sensitive and I steer clear of artificial foods and chemicals of any sort.


  3. Lisa | Mummy Made.It

    How great are muffins? So simple to make and you can 'healthy them up' with some added fruit and veg and the kids devour them!


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My Granola Paleo Muffins Recipe - My Natural Family (2024)


How many carbs are in Paleo granola? ›

Paleo Granola - The Original (Gluten-free)
servings per pack: 6 serving size: 50g
- polyunsaturated9.1g18.1g
- monounsaturated9.6g19.1g
Carbohydrate - total6.2g12.3g
9 more rows

What is a paleo muffin? ›

They are paleo, gluten-free, dairy-free and refined sugar free, but taste like a delicious bakery muffin! Plus with ingredients like almond butter and almond flour, they are high in protein and will keep you full much longer than their sugar-laden counterparts.

Is granola a good carb or bad carb? ›

"Standard granola often contains rolled oats, which provide fiber and complex carbohydrates, and nuts that contribute healthy fats, plant protein and vitamin E," says Gellman. On the flip side, it can also be a source of saturated fats and added sugars, which are harmful for your heart when eaten in excess.

Is granola healthy for weight loss? ›

High-fiber foods, like the oats and whole grains found in granola, fill you up and keep you feeling fuller longer. Dietary studies have found eating a high-fiber diet can help you lose weight. Dried fruit and nuts also contain antioxidants, like vitamin E, which can lower inflammation in the body.

Why can't you have peanut butter on paleo? ›

Peanuts are technically legumes, which are not paleo compliant, and that means peanut butter is off limits for paleo eaters. All other nuts and seeds are fair game, so if nuts and seeds are the only ingredients, snack away!

Are bananas allowed on paleo? ›

Many paleo followers wonder if bananas are paleo because of their higher sugar content. They are considered paleo. One medium banana has 113 calories, 2 grams of fiber and 26 grams of carbohydrates. Bananas are an unprocessed, whole food with a good source of potassium.

What flour can I substitute for paleo? ›

Popular (and delicious) paleo substitutes for wheat flour include almond flour, coconut flour and cassava flour.

Is there a carb limit on paleo? ›

If we take Mark Sisson's carb recommendations, which are very reasonable, one could eat between 100 and 150 grams of carbs per day for maintenance, between 50 and 100 grams for moderate fat loss and less than 50 grams for accelerated fat loss.

Can I eat granola on a no carb diet? ›

Yes, you can, if you can find the right granola. Most mass-market granolas have 20 or more grams of carbs per serving, which are often derived from high sugar contents. Think you have to sacrifice your low-carb diet and consume carb-rich granolas? Think again.

Does a paleo diet have carbs? ›

The Research So Far

[7] The Paleo diet provided 30% of total calories from protein, 40% fat (from mostly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats) and 30% carbohydrates. It included lean meats, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, avocado, and olive oil.

Is paleo low in carbs? ›

Although paleo does restrict some carb sources, it isn't necessarily a low-carb diet in the same way keto is. Because paleo does not emphasize macronutrients, your diet could theoretically be very high in carbs, depending on which foods you choose to eat within the specified parameters.


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