St. Louis Globe-Democrat from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)

St. rouis Paitg 6Irth ptmatrat, Mtbntsbag Altaning, unt RADIO PROGIIA.MS Results, Entries acing Browns Graze Past Red Sox 5pills Spice Midget Auto Racing Card WAR NEWS WAR NEWS Favorites in Junior Net 'Meet -Advance Continued from page 4B Continued from Page 3B --SEVENTH RACE-4800. 3-year-old. and up, one mils and '70 Yards 0): el? Elmer 107. Hiddenite 114.

Nanaton to- 104. Autograph 112. Sidout 107. lioaea Crow 117. Chatterwrack 109.

EIGHTH RACE-4800, 4-year-olds and up, one mile and '70 yards all: Bold Lover 109, Sachem 109. Never Blue104. Dixie Girl 109. Madcap Yankee 112. Colonel Marta 114.

-tacit W. 117 To, Staff 117, Aerialist 112. light On 11,, Busby 112. NINTH RACE (Substitute)S800; 4- year-olde and up, PbE furlongs, chute (12); Lady Gayheart 99, Idanda's -Baby 112. Moppo 104, Pretty Busy 104.

Shelby Eine 109, Night Princess 112. Wise One -ro4. Fletus 117. MaKTIOlia Cask 104. PrennY 109.

Abdicate 112, Doc Osier 104. Weather cloudy; track fast. Semifinals Carded in Two Classes; -Girls' Events Put Off ROUNDUP ON LOCAL STATIONS Press Netee. Press Negro. 4 H.

Kaltenborn Fulton Lewin Washing- ton News. KM. Aseociated Press News. Headlines of the Air. WEW World News.

WTMV, Press News, J. Taxlor GrantCOITI EVENING Summary of the' nay' a Newg, Early Evening Headlines. Bigler Davis. European News WTMV. Press News.

Talk by Gen. Chirlea G. Dawes. 1 8 Talk by T. R.

Tbarra. MX0K. Raymond Gram Swing, commentator. WTMV, Press News.1 Bob Dunhatn, commentator. News, Myron J.

Bennett. Press News. KX0K, Highlights of the News. 9 Associated Press News. 9-45---WIL, Headlines of tht Air.

press News. Press News. 10 1 Harry Flannery. News. Myron Bennett.

KMOX. Newsof the War. (SD, Aso. elated Press News. KX0IC, Final News.

WTMV. Press News. Tomorrow Morning'S Head. lines. Final News.

ROUNDU1 MORNING Headline Efighlights." Press News. Don Cochran, commentator. Early News. Associated Press. News of Europe.

WT3117. Press New. Headline Highlights. EXOIC. Bruce Barrington.

commentator. WEW. news commen- tator. Press News. with---Martin BowirL.

8 Press News. Headlines of the Air. Overnight Final. Associated Press New News Comment. Ray adyf Press News.

7 World News. Press News. Headlines of the Air. Martin Bowin, cormnentator. Press News, AFTERNOON Noon News.

WEW. Arthur Jones, commentator. WIMV, Press News. Associated Press. WIL.

Headlines of the Air. Press News. News. Martin Bowin. World tiewe.

2 News. 215--KMOX, Josephine Halpin. 2 Ne WEL taighte emmentator a. me. WTMV.

ights. KX01C. mentator. WS COMMen witig-, martin Air. ,..4.

'I-. I New 4 Rar ltd3l Air. cormnenta- VEW. Arthur Press 5ness. Wth, 30win.

An. HORNING first appearance in St. Louis in 1939, on May 7, when the Browns won, 6-3. Thereafter, in 1939, the Sox won their last 10 games in St. Louis and they also triumphed at the Grand-Doclier Field in the only game they played hep last May.

Incidentally, when the Browns won Sunday's double-header. they beat the Yankees for the first time in St. Louis since September, 1938. By taking yesterday's contest, the Browns maintained their fifth-place deadlock with the Chicago White Sox, -who beat New York. RIGHT-HANDED LINEUP Against the left-hand -pitching, Manager Haney had his team packed with right-handed batters at the start.

even benching Rip Radcliff, so that Cullenbine was in left field, Laabs in center and Hoag in right. Lincoln Fields Entries By Associated IMatchcan W. Taylor). 840,. 4.00, 3.40.

Stoien Tryst (P. A. Smith). 14.40, Go Seek (Prehm). ft.00.

3-5. Milt and Honey. Bettie Nux, Silver- Tower. Jumna. Nospil, Weaving Thru and Wire Me also MD.

TH I RD RACE--4 1 100, 3-yearolds. six furlongs (chute): Army Song (Marrero), 23.60, 12.3k 9.20. Bayport (Mascheki. 29.60, 17.00. Master Key (AV.

Taylor). 16.20. 3-5. Carrie. Knitetta, Atum Be.

Iron Bar, High Fair, Tranalady. Schnozzle, Meadow Gold and Molest also ran. FOURTH RACE-01100, claiming, 0- year-olds and up, six furlongs (chute): Grifiette (Hobart), 25.441, 10.50. O. Posterity 9.00., Apropos (Stade), 9,20.

Remarkable. Maroc, Dinner Jacket, Repelier. Osculate. Sentimentalist and Suntime also ran. FIFTH claiming, 3- year-olds, one mile: Baby Booties (Soak), 13.40, 6.60.

3.40. Bo Beau (Betgert,, Mumble (Meade). 3.00. Miss bfaetran 'and Third Try also ran. SIXTH RACEThe Ipswitch-41200.

4-year-olds and 'up. six furlonga, out of (chute): Donna Leona (Settle), 15.60. amo. 2.60.. rf-Frairie Dog (Atkinson), 2.20, 2.40.

d-Ailegro (nod icu 2.20, 2.20. 3-5. Slow Motion. and Indian Lodge also ran. d-Dead heat.

RACE---woo, etaiming. 3- year-olds and up. mile and seventy yards: Mightily W. Taylor), 9.60. 6.60, 4.20.

Bellitas Babe (Bodiou). 5 Si), Blue Fang (Marrero): 7.20. Time----I :43 Praetorian, Mobcap. Uphold. Risenfly.

Top Queen. Combahee and The Runner also ran. EIGHTH RACL-41000. claiming. 4-ear-olds and up, mile and one-sixteenth: '014 Joe Smith).

12.60. 5.00. 4.20. Supreme Flag itiodion). 3.00, 2.40.

Sagonlan (Berger). 4.0. 1-5. Flags. Liberty Torch, Old Maid and Bachelors Bowen also ran, rrequencit (in kilocycles) of stations listed in the programa: ID, 650; WTMV.

1500; KWK. 1350: 10001 1250E-WEW. 750 Kb10.X.N 1090: WBBM 770. (C), Network. lt,) Record.

IT). Transcriptinn. record made for broadcasting purpose. (C by T). A granscription a network broadcast.

MORNING country Farm Feature; News of Our Neighbors. 15 Hugh Aspinwall. Early Birds. ICErD (T), Sunrise Serenade. ICX0K (Ti, Breakfast -Express.

WEW, finical Clock. Don Cochran, commentator. KMOX, Jack Dalton. guitar. 10KWK, Early Birds.

IC.X0EC. Headlines. Live StOck Report. Sports With Cy Casper. Religions on the Air.

IMOX, Ozark Varieties. News. (T), Dick Liebert. 7.11ft KWIC. Grady Cantrell.

KMOX (C), News of Europe. KXOK, 1 is Goodwill Devotions. WIL, Breakfast KFIJO, Mornin Meditation. WTMV, Nene Resume. (T).

Rise and Shine. KECK (R). Second Call. KEDO, Hymne for the Home. WTMV, Barnyard Erotic.

30-1CWK (C)- breakfast Club, with Don McNeill, M. C. KMOX, Headline ll-lighlights. KX01C. Bruce Barrington.

commentator. 10110, Great Men and Women. WEW, World News. Weather Report. 45-----KWICt Martin BOWITI, commentator.

KMOK AC), Bachelor's, Children. KXOK (R). Sunshine Melodies. RFUO. Classic Gems.

WEW. Classic Gems. 800-KWK, Al KNOX (Cii Pretty Kitty Kelly. KSD (C), The 1 Married. KXOK, Let's Go to Town.

WIL, Birthday Bells; children's program. WEW, Roy Schaeffer's Hillbillies. WTMV, Press News. II Headlines of the Air. WTMV, "Today." (C).

Vagabonde. latox (C), Myrt and Marge. KSD (c). MA-stream. ICX0K, News.

WEW (R), Sing Song Time. (T), island-Melodiel. (r), Hits and Encores. KMOX (C). Hilltop House.

KS13, INews. KXOK, Virginia Davis. WIL. (T), Morning Matinee. --(R), Sing-Song Time.

WTMV, Bible Broadcaster. (T), Robin Hood Bowers' Spectacular spihi in four of the races provided added excitement for a crowd of 6634 fans at Promoter Earl Ref low's midget auto program last night at Walsh Stadium. Myron Fohr of Milwaukee won the featured 35-lap race in 9:29.32 after Harry MacQuinn, leader in most of the trials during the eve-fling, had been forced out after a spin on the south turn during the third lap. Teddy Duncan of Chicago finished second, Ray Richards of Detroit third and John Rogan of St, Louis fourth. Most spectacular crash of the evening occurred during the third elimination.

Tony Woillard of St. Louis spun on the south turn during the first lap and Lou Walker of East St. Louis crashed into the side of his car. Rogan pulled up just in time to mtss-the melee. The race was restarted and Rogan finished first with Walker just behind him.

In the consolation race, Russ Sellenreik of St. Louis lost control of his car on the first lap, crashed through the fence and broke into the grassy infield. Just behind him, Ray Kaiser of St. Louis spun and stalled on the same turn. There were no injuries during any -of.

the spills. Songfest Thee Editor Daugliter. 1SD (C), Vie and Sade. WEW (R). Kay Kiser.

Susie and Sons of the Ozarks WDBM, Whits Sox es. Yankees Baseball Game. 7. nnKWK (C). Georgetown Steeple.

Songfest. KMOX The Editor 8 Daugliter. liSD (C). Vic and Sade. WEW (R).

Kay Kiser. WTM.V, Susie and Sons of the Ozarks. WI-WM, Whit. Sox vs. Tan- keen Baseball Game.

(C). Georgetown Steeple- chestra. KMOX (C), IChuck Foster's Orchestra. KNOK (R). Glenn Miller's Orchestra.

WIL (T), Eleven Fifteen Varieties. (C). San Garber'S- Orche-- tra. KMOX (C). Joe Rine's Orches- tra.

KX0K (r), Eddie Fitzpatrick's chase, from Delaware Track, Orchestra. Dawn Patrol. KMOX (T). Ma Perkins. 1KSD (G).

(T). Dick Liebert. organrat. Arnold Grimm's Daughter. Wit, Po- KMOX, News.

lice Releascs. KNOK. NewS; (Ti. Hit 12 nti KWK (C), Blue Barron's Or- Revue. WEW, Women.

Program. chestra. KX0K. News. WTMV.

Press News. 10KMOX. Records. June clear; track fast. FIRST RACE-4800.

claiming, 2-year-. olds, five furlongs (19) WhichwIse 109, Birkaboy 112, Reigh Me 109. Glad Acres Star 116. Texas Way 116, Joe- Fisher 116. Hi Carl 112.

Sliver B. 112, Ilappy Khayyam 116, Fee D'Or 113, Purpling Light 112, My Bobby 112. Monks Memo 111. Sir Kid 114. Vain Grove 112, Enquire 116, Miss Grief 104 Rolls -Past 104, 'Jug Bead 104.

SECOND RACE-4800. claiming. 4-. year-olda and up, six furlongs (9): "Mae-town '113. Deduce 118, Grey Streak 143,, Va 'dine Count Valiant 10.

Einployer 118, Tiger Teddy 115, Cardarrone 118. Million Bucks 113. THIRD RACE-180Q, claiming, 4-year- olds and up. seven furlongs, chute 2 Alspur 113, Honored Miss 110. Foiur Spot 107.

107. Masterpiece 107 Shea Right 110.i- Mars Man 108. ViVinrina 102 Born 'Happy 112. Rhett 115.. High Irsiame 11,.

Paisak 102, Viragin 10ti, Bess B. 107. Pekaki 105. Melva Jane 107. High Re-eown 110.

('ay 106, Little Drif9.107, Des Grieux 105. FOFRTII RACE-S800, claiming. 3- year-olds and up, six furlongs (10); Windsor Chief 107. Ducmins 107 Miss Lampley 107, Tonan Pahl Lee 114. Estreilita 107.

Merab 107. Charming 1012. 7. Roguish Marion 105. TornmY's Luck 1 ra-nt RACE-SSW.

claiming, 4-yearold4 and up. six furlongs (9) Threadneedle 110, Decourcy 118. Yetive 14)3. Purple Wrack 113. Marboid 113, Catchem 108.

Chance Queen 108. Honey Seat 103, 108. SIXTH RACE-handicap, $1000. 3- year-olds and up, six furlongs (8): a-Un-' erring 118. a-Joe Schenck 122.

Candescent 100, DOra May 106. The Thrush- 102. Tunica 107. Balmy Spring 106. a-Woolford Farm entry.

SEVENTH RACE-4800, claiming. 3- Year-olds and up, one mile and a six, tenth (9): "MyrIca 108. 'Grey Weather 108. Ice Queen 113, 'Deep Rock 111, Moonbow 105, Queen's 113, Georgia kleaden 113. Lady Federal 111, Skipped 113.

EIGHTH RACE-S800, claiming, year-olds. one mile and a sixteenth Betty's Bob 116. Magic Dream 103 'Lady Arlington 106. Beau Greenock 110. Vaidina Boy 116.

City Boy 116. Jaybeedee 111. 'Hot Iron 108, Isarunner 116, Air Play 113., Weather clear: 'track fast. Apprentice Allowance cialme 1 Fav6rites paced the survivors of the quarterfinal round of the district junior and boys' tennis tournament mit Triple A Tester- day morning, breefing through their matches in straight sets. Top-seeded Rex Caruthers, Public 1 High champion from Soldan, turned back Lester 'Permutter, 6-0.

6-4, and second-seeded Ethan Shepley Country Day School star, trimmed Stanley Chekanoff, So lclan, 6--1, 6-2, in junior matches. William Schock, second-seeded midget, joined Defender -Allen Richardson in the semifinal with a 6-1. 6-1 victory over Larry Post. Richardson reached the semifinal round the previous day by defeating Fred Lewis, 6-0, 6-2. Only one three-set match was turned in, as Paul Raidt was ex- tended by Steve Post, 3--6, 6-4, in the midget The girls' tournament at Shaw Park in Clayton was held up on account of wet courts And yesterday's program will be followed out this morning with the first matches to get under way -at 10 o'clock.

IESTERDAV'S RESULTS. JUNIOR SINGLES. Quarterfinal RoubdRex Cartithers de-' feated Bob Perlmutter. 6-0. 6-4; Ralph Hart defeated Gene Fears.

6-1. 6Z; Ethan Shepley Jr. defeated Stanley Chekenott. 6-2; Bud Sandperl defeated. William Muenz, 6-4.

9-7. BOYS SINGLES. Quarterfinal RoundBerkeley Kirsch-man defeated Roy T. 6-0. 6-0, William C.

Sehoek defeated Larry, Post, 6-1: 45-1: Paul Raidt defeated Steve Post, 6-2 3-6. 6-4. JUNIoll DOUBLES. First RoundAdams arid Rintteer. I de- feated Post and Post.

6---1, 15'2; Hart and Weber defeated klehos and Hunt. 6-2. 6-3; Rosenheim and Lane defeated Hay- erkamp and Van Raalte, 6-0. 6-2: Lamb and Mullins won from Simpson and 'Kent by default. Tild4AUSI PAIRUCGS.

JUNIOR SINGLES. Semifinal p. in.Rete Ca. ruthers vs. Ralph Hart; Ethan Shepley Jr.

vs. Bud Sandperl. BOYS' SINGLES. Semifinal p. m.A Ilea Richardson vs.

Berkley. Kirsehman; William C. vs. Paul Raidt. Junior doubles will follow-.

Detroit Results FMedwick Teanedi as Cards Win Laabs had the fans cheering in the first inning when he speared Finney's long drive, but he misjudged Foxia tremendous liner, opening the second, and it was goodfor two bases. Williams also doubled and Tabor hit into the left-field seats for his ninth. home run of the season, putting Boston in front, 3-0. After booting Cramer's grounder fOr one of his few errors of the season, Heffner turned Finney's line drive into a double play in the third inning. Boston's lead disappeared in the last half of the third as the Browns raked Ostermueller for four runs on Swift's double, Cullenbine's sin-, gle, Laabs' walk, a force a single by Clift and Hoag's double.

The Browns filled the bases in vain in the fourth and in the Boston fifth, Berardino made a fast play to erase Desautels, Ostermueller doubled to left and scored the tying run on Doerr's single. The Browns regained the lead with two runs in the sixth on Auker's single off -Tabor's glove, Cullenbine's walk, Laabs' infield hit to Cronin, loading the bases, and Clift's single to center. After Tabor led off the seventh With a double, Auker got rid of the next two batters, but Doerr beat out a slow roller to Auker, whothrew the ball pastfirst Tabor scoring, Doerr reaching second. Doerr stopped at third on Cramer's single and scored on Finney's single to right. '3lift then let Hoag's throw get away trying for Cramer at third base and Cramer counted the run that put Boston 1 ahead, 7-6.

SHORT WAVE 4:00 p. Solo Concert. Dill, 15.20 19.7 DJZ. 11.80 meg 25.4 m. 5:35 p.

m.BUDAPEST: Waltzes by Strauss. HAM'. 9.62 31.17 6:00 p. Broadcast in English. Ity96, 15.24 19.7 RNB.

12 25 m. 6:30 p. Full News Bulletin. GSD. 11.75 25.5 USG, 9.58 31.3 tn.

705 p. Japanese Music. 17.84 16.6 in. 7:40 p. Italy with Music:" Vocal Quartet.

2R03. 31.15 2R04, 25.40 2R06. 19.61 in. 8:30 p. Dance Music and Cabaret.

DNB. 9.61 31.2 DJD, 11.77 25.4 in. 9:00 p. m.ROME: iew in English. 2R03, 31.15 R04, 25.40 2R06 19.61 tn.

10:00 p. tn.LONDON: Full News Bulletin. GSC, 958 31.3 In. 2:00 a. English Period.

10796, 15.24 19.7 m. Kutis Softball Team Host to Griesedieck Griesedieck Brothers softball team of South Side park, runner-up for the national softball title last fall, will meet the champion Kutis Undertakers at St. Louis park tonight in an interpark exhibition. Continued from Page 3B By Associated Press. DETROIT, June ISWeather cloudy track fast.

FIRST RACE--S500. c1aiming.4-yearolds and up, six furlongs: Light Rolls (Dew), 8.80. 4.00, 3.00. Cheer Star (E. Le Blanc).

4.60. l.100. Glowset (Ke 'per), 3.40. 1-5. Nlisti goo, Incredible, IetIf.

Bee Glad. Just Imperial. Hasty Sue. Brill, Just Miead and Incarnate also ran. Field.

SUCOND RACE-4800. claiming, 3-ear olds, six furlongs: Okapilida (Compton). 11.00. 4.80. 3.80.

Charlotte Dear i Keiperl, 8.20, 4.80 Curliqueue (E.i Le Blanc). 3.00, Jerry Gee. Thumb. Cheek Girl, Indian Penny.Bafcee and Canbe also ran. THIRD RACE-4800.

claiming, 2-yearolds. five furlongs: Silverwood (King), 22.60. 10.20, 0.40. Miola 3SO. Happy Choice 3.40, 2-5.

Side Pack. Rocky Hill, Prince-8s. Olo, Star O'Teddy, Gold Wave-. That's Right. Ruby Greenock.

Nova Mae and Thunder Ladv also ran. FOIRTH IIACE-41000. claiming, 3- year-olds Am. six furlongs: Ozark -(Kciper). 9.60, 1.60.

3.40. 5.60. 3,40. nt iC), Description- of the As- toria Handicap From Aqueduct Race Trak. XMOX.

Let's the News, Josephine Halpin. SD (C). Valiant Lady. of Wars Program. Swing Clinic.

xmox (T). Vie and Sade. ICSD (C). Betty Crock. ev-I News.

WIL, Baseball Scores. MEW (R), -Two-Thirty Show." Barney Krogo, sports talk. KMOX. Dope From the Dugout. KSD (C), 'Young Widder Brown.

IKX01C, The in the- Stands. WIL, Allister Wylie. piano. WEW, Melody Time. 1CMOX, KX0K.

Browns vs. Boston Tied Sox. Baseball Scores: (T), Mu- Etchings. WEW (R). Moments With the Matters.

KFUO. Be of Good Cheer. WT1417. Frees News. (R), New Impressions.

WEW. St. Louis Set to Music. WTMV. Live Stock Market Reports.

Baseball Scores; (T). Melody Mart. WEW. Records, EFT.10Mu8itai Moments. (e), The O'Neill'.

41111 K.SD, Girl Alone. Wit, Basebs.11 Scores': (Ft). Afternoon Varieties. WEW ---(R). Swing tor an Hour.

Press News. Your Treat, Musical Program. WIL, Organalities. i 4 inrKWK, Swing Clinic. KSD Kitty Keene.

Baseball (T). Do You Relieve in Ghosts? WTMV, Suzy's Musical Court. 4 H. V. Kaltenborn.

U. S. Department, of Commerce. 'WIL (T). Let's Dance.

5:00 KWK (C)' Fulton Lewis Jr. KMOX (C). Blue Grass Brevities RSD (C). News. WTI, Baseball Scores, Headlines of the Air.

WTMV. Press News. WEW, World News. (T), Musical Moments. KWIC (T).

Musical Program. KMOX (C). Paul Sullivan Reviews the SD (T). In-Laws. KXOK.

Home Plate Sidelights. WIL Tilight Echoes. (C), Rolla Coughlin's Orches tra. KMOX (C). Burns and Allen.

XSCI, Pais of the with Buck Owens. Wit Waltz Time. WEW. Herb MacCready. Johnny O'Hara.

KSD. Steckton and Eschen. WTL (R). Stars of Soneland. RXOFC (C).

Orphan Annie. WEW (Ft). Hal 'Kemp. News, J. Taylor Grant.

I EVENING' Suffolk Downs Entries mishap and soon after Medwick was removed from the playing field appeared near the St. Louis dugout and exchanged hot words with many St. Louis players. When the excitement subsided and the game was to be resumed, Durocher assigned 'Jimmy Wasdell to run for Medwick and Southworth lifted Bowman. from the mound.

Ira Hutchinson was called from the St. Louis bull pen. The Dodgers scored four runs in the frame on hits by Dixie Walker. Lavagetto and Vosmik, which were made off Bowman, and a single by Dolf Camilli off Hutchinson. A triple by Orengo with two on and a long fly by Marion in the second produced the first three St.

Louis In the seventh the Dodders increased their lead when Lavagetto connected for a home run. They held a two-run advantage until Slaughter delivered his circuit blow. Marriage Licenses 13and. 8 WK. Ray Dady.

commentator. KMOX (C), Stepmother. KSD By Kathleen Norris. 10(0K- (T), Curtain Calls. WEAr (R).

Gray Gordon's w'rt. (T), Ozark Rhythm. P55---WEW. Grein Markets. ikl.rin KINK (T) Gonne' Singer.

KMOX. Short Short Story. KSD (C). David Heroin. KXOK, Norman Paulo.

WIL Serenaders wrw (T). Salon Sketches. w'rmv. Press News. i15----KWK.

Telephone Social. (C), Life Begins. with Bees Flynn. (C). Road of Life.

KX0K. Feminine Footnotes. VIEW. Musical Mirror. WTMIT, Magazine of the Mr (T).

Painted Dreams. KMOX (C), Big Sifter- KX0K, Friendly Brothers' Quartet WIL, Weather, (R) Music. WEW. Musical Musings. )(FUT), News of the Lutheran Western District Convention.

WTMV, Cols Bromine Program (T Mary Sothern. KMOX Aunt Jenny's Stories. KSD (CY, Guiding Light. KX0K. "Let's Go to Town." WIL (11).

Rhapsody in Swing. WEW, Live Stock Markets. World News. 1 00 0. WK- (Ti.

Meet Miss Julia. KMOX (C) Kate Smith -Speaks. KSD (C). Against the Storm. KIXoK (T).

Dance and Romance. WIT, (Tl. HollywOod Brevities. WEW. Germania 13roadefort.

wrmv. Press News 10 :1 World. KM.INX (C). When-a Girl Marries. WSD (T), Singin Sam.

1VIL (T), Yesterdays! 'Hit (C). Farm and Home (C). rtomance of Helen Trent. I NM (C). Portia Blake.

WIL (T). i Sketches in Melody. WEW (Rh-Ambrose and Orchestra. 10 (c). Our Gal StilleAV.

(T). Corn Tassel News. Carters of Elm Street. Wan Head- lines of the Air. WEW (E), Morning Melodiee.

(T), Musical Moments. --KWIC News. Martin BOW111. The Goldhergs. KSD (T).

Judy And Jane. KYOK (T). Dance and Romanee. WTMV. News.

WEW (R). Bing Crosby: orchestra. on, Ted MAMITIP, KMWIC ire Can Be Besutifull. Wit (T). WPA Prograrb.

WEW. Baloh Stein, pianist. WTMIT. Keyboard Ka- Imre Grain Market. il.1:34---TsWK (CI.

Orphans of Divorce. Irmox (c). Right to Hanpiness. WQD, News. Wit (Ti.

Eh and Eeh. WEW (RI. Ella Fitzgerald's Orchestra. WTMV, Let's no to Town. it Tele-'runes.

Joe Karnes, 11 :44 NWT Amanda of Honeymoon Tcmn'v en. tnne SOUDT1Pv. F-VOTC. Ir-tekill the Air Wit (1-0. What's New? WTMV, Rose Room Melodies.

organcst. 11 :5 (T). Harry-Horlick's Orchestra. 'AFTERNOON Band. Stanley T.

Schmitz Sarah Elirabeth V. Brand le 4225 West Pine Hugh P. Hart Webster Groves Mildred M. Agnesta 5575 Delmar Paul Murphy 3938 Washington Florence Dieter cMount Vernon. Trill Ewing Wallace 4550 Newberry ter.

Mary Wilkens 42081. Kossuth Frank J. Vielhaber Jr. 3868 De lor Ruth V. Schultz 6025 Leona Washington Crew Wins Regatta Continued fr'om Page 3B Imperial Imny (Milligan), 00.

Dna. Brilliant Stone, 13luelicl(i and Jay D. Bane also ran. FIFTH RACE-41218). handicap, 3-year.

olds. six furiones. Veldt (Dew). 21.60..9.60, 4.40. Sassy Mate (Ranieri.

5.00. 3.00. Black Bromine' I teBIA tie 1. 2.60. Bin.

Shirley G. Jo Endy, limuzar. and True Star also ran. SIXTH RACE-4800, one mile Rod 70 yards: Blue Play (Dcw), 6.20, 3.40, 3.00. Lyner (Leblanc), 3.40.

3.00. Columbia' PoY (Gonzalez). 10.20. 3-5. Housewife.

Ila3). Nopalosa Iltkio Gay 'Sallie and Ara also ran. SEVENTH RACE-4800, claiming, and up, one mile and a sixteenth: Old Sweaty (Le Blanc), 18.60, 6.40, 4.00. Sting() (Milligan), 4.60, 3.80. Evening Time Keiperh I i .60.

2-5. San Ardci. Perfect One. Stella Frank. Ravenna.

Kansascitian. Smith David, Nedeago and. Desafuero also I Field. EIGHTH claiming. 3- and lap, one mile and three-sixteenths! Lisiowel (Fads), 9.00, 4.80, 3.40.

Parkwond Chief (Dew). 10.40. 5.69. Morris (Ma rtineZ 3.00. Double 11, Noah's Pride.

cant Catch. Ernporiurn. Nancy Sue, Paralda and Malado also ran. SACKS JAMMED AGAIN With two out in their seventh, the Browns filled the bases for tkie fourth time during the game, but could not score. Coffman pitched out of a jam in the eighth and the Browns tied in the ninth, 7-7, on Heffner's single, Williams' fumble and Judnich's single, knocking out Dickman, who was relieved by Bagby.

Mrs.Medwick Near Collapse The paid attendance today was 6460, and also on hand were 4800 children. By Associated Press. ostAamnd ntuc EAST BOSTON, June tac Bright ar FIRST claiming, 3-year- id furlongs Nipa lsilx5. Spot 115, Of Course Donna Lopez 115, 11 115. Constitutional 120, Blue Grotto 115.

Balcony 110, Whim Wham 105, Frost Flower 100, All Agog 415, Braxton 113, Papa Jack 120, Bobbin 110,, Wise Counsel 120. SECOND claiming, 3year-ode. six furlongs (1(): Gigi 113. 103, Updo 108, White Front 108, Hugood 113. Chinker Chek 113, Princely Gift 113.

Sun Ivy 108. Moon. Robber 115, Parade Leader 108, Baggrave 113, Short Measure 110. Buzz Me 108, Merry Onig 108. Tell Me 108.

Bisonette 103. THIRD RACE-I51000, claiming. five furlongs (11): Keetonga 115. Bold Risk 112. Peri Xing 112, French Victory Bound 112, Alkyon 120.

Ski Patrol 112, Cadet Bob 112. Bubble Lil 112'. Punehdrunk 104, Devils Run 108. FOURTH RACE-31000. maiden 3-yearolds and up.

one mile and 70 yards- (6): -Votum 110, Big Bluff 110. Equitable 105, Tristate 110. Foliga 105 Two 0 Two 110. FIFTH claiming, 3-yearolds and up, six furlongs (chute) (13): Bracket 109, Dodger 103. 'Mask and Wig in.

Short Cake 108. -Red War 110. Flying I'p 108. Floragina 110. Ghost Queen 115.

Melodist 109, Winning. Chance 117. Zolo 115, Cooling Spring.111. Infidox 108. SIXTH' RACE-11200, 3-year-olds.

six furlongs (chute) (8): Walter Sweet Willow 106, Deimos 111. Pari- Ernest 106, Evanded 114. Super Chief 120-, Careful Dinah 106. Play House 108. SEVENTH RACE-The Cape Cod Handicap, $1300.

4-year-oids and up. one 'mile (81 Oso 114, Pugknows 109. Silent Witness 118, 'rrina 105. Parscout 109. Love Day 105.

Listaro 117. Panorascope 109. EIGHTH RACE-51000. claiming, 4year-olds and up, one mile and a sixteenth (16): Sun Lamp 109. Cangrierron 109, Jim Blazes 114..

Florian 11 114, Idolon 114. Steward 104, Kievs Pennant 114. Tonianna' 109. Sun Fighter 114. Count.

Rae 109, Abbstoro 114, Mr. Buddy 114. Crafty Fox 109. -Filandro 117, Strange Times 109. Ronfalon 114.

Weather clear; track fast. Apprentice allowance claimed. John- M. 1103 Dolman Frieda Mard 1723 Pennsylvania Peter C. Bacik 2013 Menard Emilie V.

Ondrus 2330A Russell Henry F. Petit Jr. 4404Aw Pepin Anna B. Newport 4458 Lee James P. Orabam 1416A N.

Euclid Justine E. Rapp 4959A Mardei George Stevens 1900 Semple Ruth Rice St. Louis County Ralph F. Gunter 9207 Argyle. Overland Helen Louise Williamson 5931A Wells Walter Freedman 5722 Westminster Maxine S.

Well 5531 Pershing Milton A. Rossner 3A Aubert Rose Kaplan 2800 N. Eleventh John G. Schomaker 2530 Grover Gertrude S. Janosict 3839 West Florissant Louis J.

Boehm 1109 C. Cyrillia Fitzgerald 2221A Chippewa Edward J. Ploesser -4616 Quincy Helen Herbort 3430 Gasconade Samuel Williams 611 N. Jefferson Leanna Walker 611 N. Jefferson Edward N.

2inschlag Beckemeyer. Ili. Mary Louise Godfrey 1100 Louisville Dan Potashnick 5774 Kingsbury Bernice Baker 5947 Etzel John J. Taaffe 3015 Bailey Frances L. Esselborn 4261 Labadie Mrs.

Medwick was in a box seat with Mrs. Leo Durocher when her husband was felled by the ball Bob Bowman pitched. She w-itnessed the accident and was near collapse when Joe was being carried off the field. Later she was able to go to his bedside. Judnich had made a great glove catch against Cramer in the ton ninth, and in the tenth Trotter extricated himself from a chasm.

The Sox packed -the corners with one out on singles by Williams and Cronin, Grace's fumble and an in-1 tentional pass to Tabor, but Trotter clutched Peaco*ck's smash for a 1 double play, Trotter to Susce to McQuinn. Setting the stage for Berardino's perfect bull's-eye in the Brownie tenth, McQuinn walked, Clift doubled to the left wall and Lary, batting for Trotter, was purposely passed, jamming the runways. Fairmount Park Entries Billy Southworth isn't concerned over the distance that separates his Cardinals from the upper regions of the National League. He is concentrating on boosting his charges to a winning percentage of .500. "If we reach that I'll start looking upward," he says.

By Associated Tress. FAIRMOUNT, II.L. June IR. FIRST claiming, maiden 3-year-olds. one Mile (13): Indisputable 104.

Stan Riley Ill. Darby than 109, Bobby D. 109, Valdina Opal 101, Little Qua 111. Color Cap 111. Saucy Leta 104, Charley Floss 109.

Dara Day 109, War Hostage 111, Chypre 109. Hazel Miss 104, Overcall 109, John Collins 109. SECOND RACE $500, claiming. year-olds aod up, five and a half furlongs (18): Burns 108. Illettet 110, Toney Doo Earlyin 110, Gold Lass 110, TM.

Mayor 110, Toney Boy Miss Nadit105, Jumf Lu 105. Doctor Tim 115, Fox1( 110. The Chord 110, Little Kiss 103, Stepping Day 98. Guess What 98, In Sfs4usion 108, Miss Sonada 103. Mr, Bo 1 111.

(CI. Easy Aces. KMOX (C). Ben Bernie and All the Lads: Lew Lehr. KSD (C).

Hollywood Play house. KX01C, Alex Buchan. sports. WEW (R), Th. Islanders.

WIL (T), -Just Reiax. WTMV, News Resume. (cif Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons, KMOX, News. WIL (Tl, Mutiny On the High Seas.

WEW, Roy Shaffer's Hillbillies. (C). What Would You Rave Done? KMOX (T), The World Today. KSD (C), Plantation Party, Variety Prognam. XXOK (T), Magic Island.

WIL, Today's Winners. Musical Sports Review with Neil Norman and Bill Burney. WEW. Janice Smith, pianist. Organ Melodies.

KXOK (T). Junior G-Men. WEVV. Hillbillies. AC), Elmer Davis.

European News. (C), Green Hornet. KMOX (C), Star Theater: Kenny Baker, Ken Murray and Frances Langford. KSD (C), Fred Allen Show. KXOK (T), Elliott Roosevelt.

commentary. WIL (T), This Rhythmic Age. WTMV, Press News. Vital Statistics. (T).

Billy MacDonald's Or. chestra WIL, WEW, Janice Smith. (C), Talk by Gen. Charles G. Dawes, War, Government and Business." WIL (T), Tin Pan Alley.

(C), Serenade for Strings. WIL. St. Louis Set to Music. KXOK (T).

Edwin Le Mar, Novschord- Trio. (C). war Situation Talk syw by -T. R. Ybarra.

KMOX (C). Glen Miller', Orchestra. )SD (C), Kay Kyser. KXOK, Raymond Gram Swing. Commentator.

WIL (T): Eventide Echoes. WTMV, Press News. Looney Auction. Bob Dunham, Commentator. XXOK (T).

Ring Cole 's Trio. WIL (T), Dance WGN (C), Pageant of Melody. Henry Weber's Concert Orchestra. 8 WK, Johnny Long's Orchestra. KMOX, Musical Records.

Schmidt, Snorts Review. WIL (T), Treasure Chest. 8 News. KMOX (C). Columbia Concert Orchestra.

1X0K (R). Platter Chatter. WIL, 'United States Army Speaker, Clifford W. Boehmer Fenton. Mo.

Mary R. Knieornan 2759A Armand Arthur H. Schweninger 3004A Lee Mildred C. Kohl 5951A Theodore Lester C. Lehrnuth- 5744A Vivian Lucille F.

Cuyler Fostoria, Ohio Jerome W. Hollenbeck Los Angeles, Cal. Marguerite C. 2041 Yale Bob Harris for the Browns and Herb Hash for Boston will do the flinging today in the second game West wood Tennis Aqueduct Entries and heated discussion. It will go into the records as Washington, 22 mi.rnites 42 seconds; Cornell, 22 minutes 45 3-5 Even on a slow river, that differ.

ence means about three quarters of a length. The experts on the observation train, admitting they looked at the finish line from an angle, didn't'see how it could have been more than a quarter length at the outside. This not only was the second slowest varsity race, but probably the slowest entire regatta of all the 43 in the IRA books. It started at 3 o'clock with a dreary two-mile freshman race; continued at 4 with a misguided attempt to start the junior varsities, three of which promptly swamped in the first half mile, and continued on through postponements until the eight varsity shells finished their battle in fast-growing darkness. To complete the picture of a daffy day on the water, the Jayvees reran their race in almost total darkness, long after all the spectators had gone home.

Finishing at a line marked by the Coast, Guard hoat's floodlights, Washington, first to swamp on the original attempt, won the three-Tnile test by a length over -Navy, followed in order by California, Syracuse, Columbia and Cornell. For the last mile of the four, Washington and Cornell had the varsity race all to Ithacans, striving for their first 1 victory since 1930, seemed to have pushed their bow inches in front a half mile from home. But the Htiskies, paced by Sophom*ore Ted 'Garhart, came on again to bring Washington down in front for the third time in five years. Syracuse, leader for the first mile, and a half, staged a comeback of its own to beat Navy for third by almost a length. last year's record-breaking winner, was a badly distanced fifth, followed by Columbia, Wisconsin and Princeton, which was rowing here for the first time.

cohtinued at 4 tempt to start three of which the first half on through the eight var.heir battle in is. picture of a ar, the Jayvees almost total all the spectaFinishing at Coast, Guard shington, first ginal attempt, by a length In order by Columbia and of the four, rnell had the 3r their first 1 emed to have ches in front me. But the vhom*ore Ted gain to bring front for the the first mile comeback of my for third length. Cali- cord-breaking istanced fifth, La, Wisconsin I-was rowing Le. Martin G.

Frentzei Anita M. Bandau Francis J. King Ann Virginia Odien Frank Killian Mrs. Kathrin Burmann 2426 Marcus 5316 Harney 5216A Page 5308 Vernon 4172 Russell 4129 Russell 1 of the series; First pitch is slated i at 3 o'clock. Meet Opens Tonight 1 Owner Tom Yawkey ol the Red 1 Sox is accompanying his team on The first Westwood invitational this trip.

doubles tennis tournament will get under way tonight at 8 o'clock un- der the flood lights on the clubs HT climb A ttracts courts. Eight teams, composed of 1 I leading racquet-mdelders of the dis- I trict, will participate. The finals are set for Saturday night. 1 utof-lown Stars Pairings: Owner Tom Yawkey ol the Red SOX iS accompanying hi ts team on this trip. Kill-Climb Attracts ut-of-IoAin Stars (c).

3.ohn'a Other Wife. KMOX (C), Young Dr. Malone. I KSD (C). The Light of the World.

1 KXOK, News, WEW. Arthur Jones, ItI commentator. WIT, (T), Matinee Mel- odies. WTMV. Press News.

01210----WTNIV. Vital Statistics. (C), Just Plain Bill. (Cl. Joyce i)Jordan, Girl Interne.

i 'KIT(), Message and Organ. KXOK. I Daugherty and Frances, WEw, Live Stock- Markets. WIMV, Market Re- Ports. Grain Markets.

(T). Musical Program. KMOX (C). Fletcher Wylie. KX0K.

i Dick Jurgens' Orchestra. WILL Allis: ter Wyllie. WEW, Ray Shaffer's Hill' billies. Carol Gay. KMOX (CS, My Son and I.

KSD. Associated Press. I RX0K, Roundup Boys. WIL, News. WEW, Janice Smith.

(T). Rosario Bourdon's Orchestra. 'WM (T). Musical Moments. Marriage License Ro- mances XMOX (eh Society Girl.

KSD (C), Mary Martin. 10X0K, Worn! en's Program. WIL (T). Sing Song Time. WEW (It), 'rommy Dorsey.

I wmtv. Press News. Club, and Civic Program. Let's Help You Keep House. KMOX (10) It in IKSD (C), Ma Perkins.

Wit, i Talk by Mrs. Smith. WEW, Imogene and Jed. WTMV Paul God, Openurs Music. 1 Bowln.

ICMOX (T), Linda's First Love. KST) (C), Pepper Young's Family. 11X0K (EL I -Choose Up Sides. 14ve Stock Markets. World News.

ial) claiming. 3.year- Doti' bri rd Value mr 1ur1oenges 41 i DM 1(18): I 1 6, I 0 Chancery 112, War 1 ring Witch 110, ease Way 110, Quick Quick 107. Sweet (Hive 100, Ferri to Run 106, Ogee 112. Madam Grey 111, Broad tights 116, Lassie llo Sweekp 114gy. 116, Nopalosa l'orte 111.

FOURTH RACE $500, claiming, maiden 2-year-olds, foim and a half fur. longs Pilots Galidll, Callyann 101, ill, ylVecictisonMilsisz Bay Mareonia Ill, Just a Grand 111, Mondes Lass 111. Yondell E. 111, Chills 111. Ails, Ornega 111, Eva ehre Ill.

I-WM claiming. 3-year- Transit on (iu Vicuna in, 111. Ducky Vil' 1-5ifir 116. jm Brother MI luiy.r- brook Ill, The Spitler 116, Little Sig-open The climb will be held at Ozark! net 11. Tramway 116, Skalkahoe 16.

SIT.T11 RACE-500. claiming. 4-yepr. olds and up. one mile (10): Concerto 108, me Climb Will re nem at 1 olds ind up, one mile (10): Concerto 108, AQUEDUCT.

N. Y. June 18. FIRST RACES1200. claiming.

2-yearold colts and gelding. maidens, five furlongs (14): Meadow Court 111. Possibility Agrarius 111. Alcinous 111. Maevic 115, Tiphl 115.

Etruscan 115, Halethorpe 111. Wee Ze Plesey 111. Battle Won 111, Sea Fever 111. Sport Fan 111, Two Kick 119. Traumelus 119.

SECOND claiming, 8- year-olds. et furlongs (19): Blaeace 117. War. Noise 117, Be Prepared 108. 108.

Grand Wind 113. Gwyrine 11. 108, Ballyhaste 103, a-Fortissimo 108, Winter Sea 108. Erect 108, Bazuka 112, Rugged Rock 108. Anti Air 108.

Scotch Bread 112, Irish Lark 112, -Bide Your Time 115, Aeriel Star 107. World 'Peace 113, a-Sun Lark 112. Van Beuren-Mrs: A. Schuttinger entry. THIRD RACE-31200, claiming, 3-yearolds and up, maidens.

mile and one-sixteenth (10): Bright Rebel 110. Equitation 110. Shag 110. Grand Lama 105, Eenle Meenie 109, Little Tyke 110. Water Crest 110, Bud's Girl 105, Sun Fox 110, Russel McGee 110.

FOURTH RACEThe Astoria Stakes, $2500 added, 2-year-old fillies, five and one-half furlongs (4): Meet-dente 119, Tangled 113. Key Ring 113, Black Rage 109. FIFTH RACEThe Cohort Handicap. $1500 added. 3-year-olds and up, class C.

six furlongs (6) Our Mat 118, Sun Mica 100, My Porter 119, Sickle T. 116, Bosley 114. T. Dorsett 122. SIXTH RACESI200.

claiming. 8-yearolds, mile and one-aixteenth (5) Foxflame 113, Spanish Duke 117, Hard Loser 113. Abhasside 113. Creepy Mouse 113. SEVENTH RACES1200.

claiming, 4- year-olds and up. mile and one-sixteenth (7): Clap In 114, Modern. Age 120. Don Pecoe 120. Dissembler 114.

Cross Question 120. Maeriel 109, Orchids Next 108. Yeather cloudy: track fast. Apprentice allowance claimed. Out-of-town talent will vie with local riders in the St.

Louis District Association motorcycle hill-climb Sunday afternoon. Ray Hen-I dershot of Kansas City and Bruce Walters of St. Joseph, filing yesterday. The championships are open to any riders in the country. Out-of-town talent will vie with local riders the St.

Louis Dis- trict Association motorcycle hill- climb Sunday afternoon. Ray Hen-1 dershot of Kansas City and Bruce Walters of St. Joseph, filing yes- terday. The championships are to any riders in the country. Teddy Eggmann and Bob Scharff vs.

Frank Thompson and Henry Stern; Ray Wiese and J. C. Samuel vs. R. J.

Portnoy and Ed Greensfelder; Louis Renard and Edmund Serrano vs. Morton May Jr. and Iry Olian; Howard V. Stephens Jr. and Mel Tucker vs.

William R. Bascom and Milton Greenfield; Herbert Weinstock and Ed Schiele vs. Karl Hodge and Eric Neuman; Harry Greensfelder Jr. and Bud Sandperl vs. Frank Xeaney and Charles Leezy; J.

R. Van Raalte arid Bob WeinMock vs. Joe Werner and Russell Hadden; Clark Clifford and Irv. J. London vs.

Harold and Dick Hellman. Thomas Christopher Jones Louis Josephine Johnson Centre Ilia, Joseph Charles Wenner 6430 Wise La Vern F. Capstick 4673 Greer Stanislaw! F. Toczylowskt I836A Benton Narens 2569W Dodier Elmer W. Vogel 5804 Prescott Marion F.

Weidman Irving G. Parteau 'Ferguson Mary E. Kistner 4550 Lexington John T. West Jr. 2506 N.

Vandeventer Bonnie Lea Jackson Iltrrin, III. Ervin J. DOerer 5411A Drouisiana Ruin P. Zacheis 5137 Cologne Sievert Brenden Fayetteville, Ark. Dorothy Fuller 'Fayetteville.

Ark. CLAYTON. Hugh F. Russell Webster Groves Marie L. Dodson 5928 Waterman Ira L.

Dunaway Nevada, Mo Beatrice Beaver Nevada. Mo Lawrence M. Mullar. Jr. University City Dorothy Coll Richmond Heights Albert P.

Brady 5506 Linden Anna Sobolewskt 5506 Linden Otis W. Praham South Bend. Ind Helen de Berry Meacham Park William E. JOTIOS Greenville. iii Bertha E.

le Gant Greenville, Ill Sam D. Cassidy Kirkwood Lucille Braun Kirkwood Herschel Kirkwood Sullivan. Iii Mabel Lane Sullivan. Ill Alfred Batehman 3027 Clark Lillie P. Wilson 2731 Pine Hugh O.

Mooney Richmond Heights Dorothy Camerata Richmond Heights BELLEVILLE. John 'Roach Jr. Belleville Bessie Basinger Belleville Christian Scheibe! Belleville Aurelt Loel ler Belleville Harold Evans O'Fallon La Verna Schroeder 0Ealion Cliff at Manchester and Barrett! Brilliant Pal 113, Ellice's off 4 it- li C) tie, ,,4 w. 0,0 Og g11CW) 10 tiieay A Softball Scores and Tonight's Schedule I Hai I i i I nnie 0 Hara (r), Off the Records. KMOX 'n Andy.

KSD (C), Will Osborne's Orchestra. WIL, Weather: (R). Dance Music. KXOK, 'Highlights of the News. WTMV, Press News.

(C). Lanny Ross. songs. RSD. Cheri McKay and Company.

WIL (7). Rhapsody in Swing. Ipcatc (T). Xavier Cugat's Orchastra. (T), Tommy Dorsey's Orches- Ira.

KMOX (C), "Dr. Christian." with Jean Hersh It. KSD, NPWS. XXOK. Chestnut 99 Forty-Four.

WLI. (It). Dance Music, (T). Nathaniel Shilkret. IC), Fred Waring's -Pennsylvanians.

WM. News. Press News. 1 Johnny Kellett. KMOX France Laux.

sports review. (T), Dancing Moments. KFUO, Midweek Devotional Program. WTMV, Press News. Johnny Orchestra.

KMOX. Harry W. Flannery Reviews the News. WIL (T). Serenaders.

'Moonlight Serenade. KXOK (T). Vagabonds. RICO. Layman's Program.

WIL (R), (C), Gus Amhelm's Orches. tra. KMOX, Musical Program. WIL (R). Famous Dance Orchestra.

ROco*k, Windsor Trio. News, Myron J. Bennett. KMOX (T). News of the War.

RSD, News. 1.3,10X, Final News. WIL (T). Tango and Rhimiba Time. WTMV.

Press News. You Want. (C), Woody Herman's Or Or. iJ 1 Bows len defeated Helen in the women's tennis Bows ef eated Helen- 6-3, 1-7, In the women's nuis tourna, Bows defeate Helen In '4' tennis tourna- the women's Station roads. In competing on the 212-foot incline Hendershot will be trying to continue the honors he gained on Hilgret's Hill at Fenton two years ago when he rode to ttie championship in the semipro event.

His time for that 325-foot slope was 15.21 seconds. He placed second in the unlimited open event with a time of 12.88 seconds. Walters is a veteran of hill climbing at St. Joseph, long a hotbed of the sport. The entrance of the two town riders raised the list to 18, and it is expected 25 riders will be on hand Sunday.

Sammy 108, Peggy's Sun 108, Dark Roamer 108 Light Tack 108, Ultarn 113. Wee Hedwig 108, Bucks.Pal 108, Money Hill 108. SEVENTH RACE 8500, year-olds and up, one mile and an eighth (10): Communist Ill. Biography 114, Paiisand 109, Fire Prince 111, Stormy Ocean 111. Forceful 109.

Lintde Rate 101, Wardell Ormont 109, Bay Boy 106, Grecian king 109. EIGHTH RACE 5500, elaiming, 4- year-olds and no, one mile (18) Memory (hair 113, Incognito 108. Retribution 108. Reich House 103, Sun Hour 103, Vemrae 113, Van Wind 113, Rose 103. Shot Tower 103.

Books Pride 113, Sailtirman 108 Scotty Pride 108, Sangstee 108, Charlie H. 113, Johnny Rock 108, Darling Mary 108, Free Money 113, Ben-netts Plane 113. NINTH RACE (Substitute) $500, claiming, 3-year-olds and up. five and a hall furlongs (16p: Great Leader 108, Roman Pride 115, Nettik 103, Fast Start 110. Brentwood Lad 115, 'Baste 105, Jean Cloud 105, Lashybo 110, Civil War 110, Sweep Day 110, Davids Boy 110.

Phi lamo 115, War Scribbler 110, Sun Mistress 110, Immutable 105. Ba7 Whisk 110,. 1 Weather dandy; track last. Apprentice allowance claimed. -1 i Apprentice claimed.

4N it, Igicyriery. Brocks Suffer Initial Defeat AO III I 0 Births Recorded (If a birth dors not appear in this col. Mcf'4NU i Minor League Results Mrs. Parker' Beaten by Miss- Wolfenden 2 By Associated Press. CHICAGO, June 18.Bobby Riggs, ruler of American tennis since Don Budge turned pro, looked like anything but the national champion today in the second round of the Clay Courts tournament.

The little Chicago star bungled h'is way through a five-set battle with William Reedy of Los Angeles before finally winning by 3--6, 7-9, 6-1, 6-3, 6-2. All the seeded Americans who played today survived, but two of the three English entrants fell by. the wayside. Charles Hare, former Davis Cup mainstay, was shunted to the sidelines by young Jimmy Evert of 6-2, 6--1, 9--7. In the women's division, Nina Brown was eliminated by another home town product, Catherine Malcolm, 6--3, 6-4.

Top-seeded Alice Marble content- ed herself with winning an easy women's doubles match. Virginia Wolfenden, seeded third, of Berkeley, eliminated Mrs. Marceina Parker of St. Louis, 6-4, 6Irn Beaten enden 2 ne 18.Bobby erican tennis turned pro, but the nay in the secsTational Clay star bungled ive-set battle Los Angeles by 3--e, ericans who but two of trants fell by Hare, former was shunted young Jimmy -6; 6--2, 6--1, en's division, Mated by anDduct, Cathe- erble content- ling an easy ch. Virginia rd, of Berke-Era.

Marceina 4, 6-40 hiS way tnrougn a zive-sec oawa with William Reedy of Los Angeles by 3-6, played today survived, but two of All the seeded Americans who the wayside. Charles Hare, former the three English entrants fen by Davis Cup mainstay, was shunted Evert of 3-6 6 6-2, --1 to the sidelines by young Jimmy Nina Brown was eliminated by an- 9--7. In the women's division, other home town product, Cathe- Top-seeded Alice Marble content- Malcolm 6--3, 6----4 herself with winning an easy women's doubles match. Virginia ende seeded 4... it won ded third, of Berke- leY, Cal' eliminated Mrs" Marcel" Parker of St.

Louis, 6-4, NORTH SIDE PARK. GIRLS' GAME. cmin. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R. H.

Roosevelt Hotel 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 5 9 5 Ideal Radio 2 0 0 0 0 0 0-- 2 6 4 BatteriesConners and Siebelts; Hagan and Stickford. MEN'S GAME, R. E. Holly C. 7 13 2 Silver Seal 5 12 5 i12-inning game,) Batteries--Fredrickson.

W. Choc and Gable; Wultemeyer, Drury and Fleck, Lowther. SOUTH SIDE PARK. GIRLS GAME. CLUB- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R.

H. E. Missouri Pacific 2 6 2 0 1 5 5--21 19 2 Mellow Seal 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-- 2 3 6 Batteries Heldaleck and Schauman; 1111t and Polak, MEN'S GAME. CLUB, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R. B.

E. TIMMY Hollow 022000000-- 4 9 1 Curry C. C. 0 0 0 2 0-0 0 0 0 2 9 I Batteries--Slovak and Adragna; Lutal and Stern. MAPLEWOOD PARK.

Girls' Game. CLUB. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R. H. E.

Mission eir. 00 0 0 1 5 4 0 Tomboy Stra 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 Batteries McCarthy and McDonald: Schlueter and Brenner. Men's Game. CLUB. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R.

It E. A. G. Ed. 000000000-- 0 2 3 Int.

Truck onip000te 2 8 2 -ssid Feduniszyn, Nemeth; Lees and Garlock. ST. Litt Girls' Game. CLUB. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R.

FL E. Breimeyers 0 0 0 3 0 2 0-- 5 96 Melber Bak. 1 0 0 4 0 1 6 7 2 Batteries Albenesius. Hartman and Mane; Fredericks and Melber. Men's Game.

CLUB. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R. H. E. Hawth.

C. 000003002- 5 9 5 Nash Drug 0 0 4 0 3 1 2 0 a-10 11 3 Batteries--Seims. Messman and Cox; Farley and Bemarkt, Geiser. Albene tot iu Hartman and MEN'S GAME. 7 3 0 fa I 4.

I4 i Cur 'C 004520-0000- 2 9 1 rY II Batteries-Slovak and Adragna: Lutzi and Stern. APLEWOOD PARK Girls' 6ame- CLUB. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R. H. E.

ission Or, 0 0 0 4. i 01 In ((l- 5 41 (.5) Tomboy' Stra 0 0 0 Batteries mccarthy sa4 menonala; Schlueter and Brenner. Men Game. A. G.

Ed. 000000000-- 0 2 3 CLUB. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R. H. E.

00100001- 2 8 2 Int. Truck Feduaiszia, Ne. a meth; Lees and Garlock. 1 2 a 4 5 6 7 R. EL E.

Breimeyere 01 00 00 34 00 I 0--- 65 79 26 Melt Bak. Eaterie ss, Mane: Fredericks and Melber. Men's Game. HaCLwt61713.c., 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R. H.

E. 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 2-- 5 9 5 Nash 'Drug 00403120a-10 11 Batteriee--Seims. Messman and Cox; 3 Farley and Bemarkt, Geiser. The Johnny Brocks, leaders Of the Greater St. Louis Amateur Night Baseball League, suffered their first circuit defeat of the season at National Park last night when the Double Colas rallied in the ninth inning to come from behind with a 4-to-3 victory.

In tonight's contest at National Park, the House of David nine will play the leaders of the Colored Industrial the Harper Roofers, at 8:15 o'clock. DOUBLE COLAS. JOHNIN.ZY AB.H.O;A. AB1LO.A. 4 0 1 Ellers.rf 4 1 1 0 4 1 8 1Haffer.rf 1 1 1 0 Itatina.if 1 0 1 0 Beydt.lf 3 1 2 0 Sitelt.lf 2 0 0 0 3 0 7 1 Colombost 4 0 1 0 Fosfelitcf 3 0 1 0 3 0 2 3 Viralcher.3b 3 0 0 2 Sawlici.2b 4 1 5 2 4 0 3 0 Sadow5ki.3b 4 3 1 3 0 0 2 Steinbumec 4 0 6 0 Cass.c 2 0 14 Niemeyer.p 3 1 0 2 3 1 1 1 Waluska.p 1 0 0 a-Ortman 0000 Totals 34 7 25 9 Totals 28 4 27 0 One out when winning run a-Batted for Slouski in-ninth.

CLUB. 1 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Colas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2--3 Brocks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2-- 4 BunsSadowski. Niemeyer, Waluska, Eller'. Casa (2).

Ortman. ErrorsBerra. Colombo 42), Sawiki (2), Steinbaum, Welcher (2). Bresnahan. Cass (2).

Two-base hitSadowskl. Sacrifice hit Fnefell. Stolen basesHeydt, SadowskL Double playsBairiki to Berra: Frederick to Sawiki. Boone on ballsOff Niemeyer, Waluska, off Phillins. 3.

Struck outBy Niemeyer. 5: by Phillips. 13. Pitching recordOff Niemeyer. 3 hits 1 run in 7 1-3 Innings; off Walueka, I kit, tans la 151-111 tZt.

L-- 41 I St 10.15t. SA16111. the ninth inning to come from be- hind with a 4-to-3 victory when the Double Colas -rallied in In tonight's contest at National Park the House of David nine will play the leaders of the Colored In- Harper dustrial the per Roof- ers, at 8:15 o'clock. score: DOUBLE COLAS. JOHNIN.ZY All.11.0A.

4 Italina.if 1 0 1 0 Heydt.11 3 1 2 0 4 2 8i 10HEanfetresirrif 11 11 00 2 (I 0 0 3 0 7 1 3 0 2 3 3 0 4 () 1 13 Fmtell'ef 3 CI (1-) 02 sSaadwoiwkir.2kih.36 44 31 51 21. 34 00 03 20 2 CI 14 0 Steinb'ums 4 0 6 0 Cass.e Niemeyerai 3 1 0 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 a- Ortman 0 0 0 0 Totals 34 7 25 9 'Potato 28 4 27 0 t.7....Btaltted for Slouski In ninth 7 8 9 l'One out when winning run 1 '2 3 4 Colas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2-- a 1 ONOr0 BrocRulusnr--'0 adowski! temye Eller', Cass (2). Ortman. Errors-Berra. Colombo 42).

Sawiki (2), Steinbaum, Foe- fel), Watcher (2). Bresnahan. Cass (2) axe hit-Sadowski. Sacrifice hit Stolen basea-Heydt, a sdowaki. Double playe-Savriki to Berra: Frederick Two-b to awiki.

ases on balla-Off Niemeyer, 4, off Waluska, nit Phillips. J. Struck Pitching record-Ott iemyer. 8 hi Nets out-By Niemeyer. 5: by Phillips.

13. run in 7 1-3 Innings; off Waluska, 1 kit, 2 runs In a. umn within two weeks, the Health Depart-I ment asks that request physicians tit a record to the Bureau of Vital Statistics, Room 10, Municipal Courts I Building. 11 a birth occurring in St. Louis At County does not appear, the are asked to request the physician to send a record to Dr.

mTheodore B. Meyer. Louis 7i) tAiunty Health Comissioner. Clayton.) 1 11. 1 F.

and L. ea L. Di 'ision. Elm St Louis. III.

I B. and E. Jones. 3630 I H. and A.

Johnson, East St. Louis, Ill, 14- M. and M. Checkett, 5947 Emma. H.

and D. Loeblein, 1421A Montclair. 11 I T. and le. O' Donn ii, 3411 Henrietta.

ets' B. and L. Phelps. 2208 Dodier. T.

and J. Caywood, Crystal City, Mo. L. and B. Higgins, Festus.

Mo. H. and C. Theler. 5065 Emerson.

F. and M. Schmiederer, 5501A Rosa; 4 H. and M. Wagner, Lemay.

Mo. E. and M. Juengel, Gardenville, Mo. W.

and C. Taggart, Clayton, Mo. 4 C. and E. Adams.

Fredericktown. Mo. 11 A G. and I. Seabaugh.

Glendale. Mo. and B. Cavitt. 2620- North Market.

FEMALES. R. and D. Stock, 6188 G. and L.

Jackson. East St. Louis, IL 6 1 H. and L. Tuthill.

3324 Aubert. W. and S. Koles. 2705 Shenandoah.

S. and L. Makras, 6938 Oleatha, J. and R. Keattng, 2051 Maury.

i F. and C. Pluchel, 2029A WithnelL C. and M. Martin.

'Normandy. Mo. E. and A. Kretschmar, Clayton.

Mo. A. and l'onker. Vinita Park. Mo.

H. and L. Schulte. 1273 Hamilton. f.

si L. and G. Bank, 3711A N. Ninth. it A.

and I. Kennel. 5850 Page. III I. R.

and A. N'ierdiecir; 5550Natural Bridge. M. and B. Cohen, 5017 Kensington.

Ja J. and S. Gnojewska. West Walnut Manor. A.

and F. Hicks, 4814 Fountain. M. and M. Noel.

2111A Menard. F. 0" C. and A. Maine, Lemay, M.

...,011 T. and E. Arnold, Crave Orme'''. MO. 7.4I WS lind A.

Koester. 2255 althea. LUOM JAP, pat courts Building. 1 occurring in t. Louis war a birt acseperqy.

doer: not appear, ths are rerk rd c.a. 0 to Theodore R. Meyer. St. 0 orquest le physicsim to send county Health Commissioner.

Clayton.) Ro MAL 17 ES. i D. and 14. gers, 05 Divi sion. 1 a 1 J.

and Stacker, East-St. Louis, Pr. I B. and E. Jones, 3630 Finney.

1 It and A. Johnson, East St. Louis, 111 1M and IVL Checkett, 5947 Emma. 11, 1 aid x6cstineni nel 1 1 t24111. mHoenntreleatitri.

and Phelps, 2208 Dodier. T. and J. Caywood, Crystal City, Mo. '4 L.

and Higgins, Festus. Mo. H. and C. heir.

5065 Emerson. F. and M. Schmiederer, 5501A Rosa; 4 H. and M.

Wagner, Lemay. Mo. E. and M. Juengel, Gardenville, Mo.

W. and C. Taggert, Clayton, Mo. .) C. and E.

Adams. Fredericktown, Mo. il O. and I. Seabaugh.

Glendale. Mo. M. and R. Cavitt.

2620- North Market. FEMALES. tr. R. and D.

Stock, 6188 G. and L. Jackson. East St. Louis, II H.

and L. 'Tuthill. 3324 Aubert. 1 W. and S.

Koles, 2705 Shenandoah. a' S. and L. Makras, 6938 Oleath J. and R.

Keating, 2051 sv and C. Pioche-I. 2029A Withnell. C. and M.

Martin. 'Normandy. Mo. C. and A.

Meine, LeE. and A. Itretsehmar, Clayton. Mo. 1, A.

and L. Tonker. Vinita Park, Mo. A and I Kenn H. and L.

Schulte, 1273 Hamilton. L. and O. Bank, -3711A N. Ninth.

i I. el. 8. 550 Page a. and A.

N'ierdiecir; 5550Natural Bridge. M. and S. Cotten, 5017 Kensington. J.

and S. Gnojewska. West Walnut Manor. A. and F.

Hicks, 4814 Fountain. M. and M. Noel. 2111A Menard.

iso may. Mo. wage, and E. Arnold, Creve Goner. Mo.

WA iiii. Koester. 2255 Richert. 44- liatiP ,4010 WSJ Etr-acP -TUNE IN TODAY! 13E101711S vs. RED SOX 2:45 P.

M. TODAY I1350 ON YOUR DIAL ATTEND GAMES OFTEN! 1 -lt I ti Eie ,,,,..,4,4: Ny4 tr, i si t.t.0- Bra 1171 "7 11,13.30,.. I'll Po t' 1 ta ItZI: 1401 IC) 4 Follat ,00 .1 at 1...0 .0. 11.1.06 wood Oar; 1 1 IA I By Associated Press. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION.

Toledo, St. Paul, 4. Kansas City. 11; Indianapolis, 1. Louisville at Milwaukee, rain.

INTERNATIONAL LEAGE E. Newark, Buffalo. 1. Toronto at Baltimore. rain.

Syracuse, Rochester, 2. (Second game off, rain). Motureal. Jersey City. 3 THREE I LEA.

GCE. Clinton. 7: Moline, 2. Waterloo. Springfield.

4. Evansville, .7: Cedar Rapids, 4 (first game called off. rain). Decatur, Madison, 6 110 innings). TEXAS LEAGUE.

Tulsa. 5-3; Fort Worth, 1-2. Houston, San Antonio. 2. Oklahoma City at Dallas Ought doubleheader).

wet grounds. Beaumont at Shreveport. rain. EASTERN LEAGUE. Albany at 'Williamsport.

rain. Binghamton at Elmira, rain. Hartford. 7: Scranton. 5.

WESTERN ASSOCIATION. Salina. 9-4; Muskogee. 0-8. Topeka, Joplin.

4. Springfield. 9: St. Josebh. 7.

TONIGHT'S SCHEDULE. SPringlield, 9: St. Josebh. 7. Err.

LOUIS PARKSouth Broadway A. Fort Smith. 16; Hutchinson. 6. C.

vs. Natural Set-t'p (girls). Kutis vs. ARKANSAS-ALISsOURI LEAGT Griesedleck. South Side (men).

inter-park Carthage. 6-0: Fayetteville. 0-4, n. exhibitio SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION. MAPLEWOOD PARKGrandma Cakes Little Rock, Atlanta, 4 (10 In vL Pop Kola (girls).

Shearer Chevrolet Knoxville. 12; Birmingham, 3. vs. Jasorka 66 Service (men). Chattanooga, 6-7; Memphis, 5-2.

SOUTH SIDE PARKRoth's Cubs vs. Nashville, 5: New Orleans. 1. Duro Seam Cubs (girls). Lafayette X.

NORTHERN LEAGUEC. 'Va. Independent Packers (men). Duluth. Eau Claire, 4.

NORTH SIDE Girls vs. Superior, 15: Wausau. 6. Commerce Coal (girls). Silver Seals vs.

Winnipeg. 9-3; Grand Forks. 3-7. Duro geam tmeuls Crooketpa, 3 i Fargo-Moo-head, 3. Detroit Entries By Associated Press.

DETROIT. June 18. FIRST RACKSs00. claiming. 3-yearo1ds and up.

one mile and a sixteenth '(10): Maneuver 109, Rich Girl 112, Quinlan 107, Geologist 117. Bold General 107. Sea Cadet 107. Sleepa long 117. Dr.

Holmes 112. GeO. Erehhiel 117. SECOND RACE.S.S00. 4-year-olds and six furlongs.

chute (12): Ina Dear 112. Transview 112. Kentucky Jane 104, Cherokee Red 112, Sun Arbor 117. Leightonwood 114, Hy Sonny 117. Ferry Boat 109.L Temple Fall 117, Beth Bon 107.

Beaches 107. Nitrarwil 112- THIRD RACESSW, 3-year-olds. Mx furlongs. chute (10) Patty Jo 107. My Mommy 107.

Crack Favor 117. IiVeeple 97. Patras 117. Star Wind 117. Lady James 102 Twitliter 117 Malayan 107.

Brown Moss 112.. FOURTH and up. six furlongs, chute (7) Kantaka 98. Worthy Duke 117. Dinner Horn 103.

Ger- Hneinuttanl17i12penabud 1,04. Siva 109. urr FIFTH 3-year-olds and six furlongs. chute (a): a-Maealr98. Fort Smith.

16; Hutchinson. 6. b-Detroit 101O-Red Moss 104. ARKANSAS-MISSOURI e-sBiscayne Blue 102. A.Dancing Light 98, Carthage.

6-0; Fayetteville. 0-4. Neighbor 111, Anxiety b-Mise Balbe SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION. 102. Rock, Atlanta, 4 (10 innings).

a-Huntley Sher a Pickard is.Mer, Knoxville, 12; Birmingham, 3. Shan entry. b-Bornar Stable entry. c-Gelb Chattanooga, 6-7; Memphis, 5-2. Waldron entry.

Nashville, 5: New Orleans, 1, SIXTH 3-year-olds and NORTHERN LEAGUE. up, one mile and 70 yards (10): Professor Duluth. Eau Claire. 4. Paul 111.

Dog House 96, Bright Superior, 15: Wausau. 6. Wooden Indian lit. Cerisse 111, Bernard Winnipeg. 9-3: Grand Forks.

3-7. F. 111. Miss Bonnie 103. Mr.

Ambassador Crooketpa, 3 i Fargo-bloartead 3. 111, BelleJElan 141, Iloytowa Lass LOCh Missouri Netster in Mee'. By Associated Press. TULSA, OK, June Sheer of Tulsa Dyer, Springfield, Mcr, the first round of singles of the state tournament today. a header).

wet grounds. ewark 1 n't viatip oitiii team 1 -7 4,, 063 Pt WSJ Etr- cri tslt NI''' By Associated Press. 141 Nt 41,. AMEICAN IO Detroit Entries ASSOCIATN. Toledo, St.

Paul, 4. .0 Nv: 4Z4, I Kansas ity 11 Indianapolis, 1. By ssce Pres. BAsEBALL ler .0 1 Louisville at Milwaukee, rain. Aoietd ETROIT.

June INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. FIRST RACE-5S00. claiming, 3-year- 11 vat I Dot Buffalo. 1- olds and up. Oe ile and a sixteenth '00-1: Toronto at Baltimore.

rain. latieuver I 17 Taipan 109. Rich Girl 112, ce Syracuse, Rochester, 2. (Second Quinlan 107, Geologist 117. Bold General BRoADGAsTs I I 41 al game off.

rain 4 Montreal. Jersey City. 3 H10701m. 1C2a.deGet 107K. Dr.

ECOND RAC E- SS00 4- year-olds and Clinton. 7: Moline, 2. THREE I E. six furlongs. chute (12) Ina Dear el Waterloo.

b'pringfield. 4. TUNE IN TODAY! Evansville, 7. Cedar Rapids, 4 (first Cherokee Red 112. Sun Arbor 117.

Leigh- game called off. rain). tonwood 114, Hy Sonny 117. Ferry Boat 112. Transview 112.

Kentucky Jane 104, Ita novins la 101, Decatur, Madison. 6 110 innings). Temille Fall 117. Beth Boit 107. TEXAS LEAGUE.

Beaches 107. Ntrarwli 112. it Tulsa. 5-3: Fort Worth, 1-2. Houston, San Antonio.

'2. THIRD mx ks'il lir 0 Oklahoma City at Dallas (night double- icoh7u.tecr(IrOk) ip.arPoarttyn.17o, 147e. eMpile Ins 4.1,, ydgr Beaumont at Shreveport. rain. 1 39 a7 In.

Ps a it rott2s. 3. wl I eSrt air 1 77: md a italy7t. Lai A EASTERN LEAGUE. Brown Moss 112.

LIED SOX rfi 1 IMOD Albany at Williamemort. rain. FOURTH a nd Binghamton at Elmira, rain. up. six furlongs.

chute (7): Kantaka 98. iititiaLra rk 130. Vt Hartford. 7: Scranton. 5.

netux 117. Penabud 104. Siva 109, Burr kik MAU IthIs- lik anaWInEILNusitSgSer0C16710N. 2:45 P. M.

TODAY as S' Hickman 112. 1 Worthy Duke 117, Dinner Horn 103. Ger- 11) Nu. Topeka, Joplin. 4.

FIFTH RACE-S1000. 3-year-olds and Missouri Netster It TONIGHT'S SCHEDULE. Springfield. 9: St. Josebh, 7.

Err LOWS PARK-South Broadway A. Fort Smith. 16; Hutchinson. S. h.UP;111?- eitirefiutrifiEnurist.

1350 ON YOUR DIAL liVsr rot4a.e C. a4. Natural Set I. (girls). Cutts vs.

AREANSAS-M1SsOt HI LEAGUE. c-Biecityne Blue 102. a-Dencing Light 98, 9.. 114 Griesedieck, South Side (men). inter-park Carthage.

6-0; Fayetteville. 0-4. Neighbor 111, Anxiety 06 b-Mias Balite sr exhibition. SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION. 102.

By Associated in.Oktalloma' Mee'. i.e. APLEWOOD PAHK-G Ck Little Rock 7 Atlanta (1 ranma aes 0 innings). a-Huntley Sher a Pick ard Al Oda OK, June vs Pop Kola (girls). Shearer Chevrolet Knoxville, 12; Birmingham.

3. shall entry. b-Bornar Stable entry. c-Gelb---Foefell. 140" vi.

Jasorka 66 Serviee men). Chattanooga, 6-7; Memphis, 5-2. Waldron entry. Sheer of Tulsa SOUTH SIDE PARK-Roth Cubs vs. ahvil, 5: Nw Orleans, 1.

SIXTH 's Nslee Duro Seam Cubs (girls). Lafayette E. Mar. -year-olds and Dyer Springfield, 3 ATTEND GAMES OFTEN! 11.., WOO WA NORTHERN LEAGUE. up, one mile and 70 yards (10): Professor C.

vs. Independent Paekere (men). Duluth. 5: Eau Claire. 4.

.1 ..0.0. 0 wawa 01 NORTH SIDE PARE--Wmer Girls vs Superior 15; Wausau. 6. Wood Indian M. Crie ette 111, Bernard singles of the state Paui 111.

Dog mouse na, Bright Hi. the first round of 1.1 of Pure Ream lanais Commerce Coal (girls. Silver Seals vs. Winnipeg. 9-3; Grand Forks.

3-7. F. 111e. Miss Bonnie 103. Mr.

Ambassador Crookstpa, 3, Fargo-bloorhead, 3. 111, Bel, Elan 111, Hoptowa Lass 10D. i 1 men; UNIV. 1 4 d- 1.

St. Louis Globe-Democrat from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)


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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.