The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


FS0FESSI0N3, TRADES, ETC. PROFESSIONS, TRADES. ETC. TfkELtABLE Penwii, daily "dutlea, no "laundry, man kept Xi Hi o'clot k. lh Alfred at.

North Hdney. RESP. useful Girl, alout 10, small no washing, sleep home, Ivauhoe, Charlecot at, Dulwich UilU s(leruuul 1 MART rautw tiiilL, niiti.r 3 cbildrenr slteri only. lt.lan. 17J Frawr-st, Dulwlch jiill.

toiiipelent ciKlKT'MACHlNa jJVDNEY II08PIT.U. r. 7 HAND renin red for HLeaiu Laundrv. Waata taa. S1 MITH PREMIER ThU (i th fijdnfy Branch ol Hie Owrt 8mfth PrmlT niuineat jn hiiaffo, New York, and London.

Tlie CopyrtKht B.vitemi ol Individual Instruction under which our BtudrnU make auih rapid proirrm are the ante ai thottf in operation at the Chicago, London, and New York Smith-Premier Collrjrea ol the largfat liuaiiieM Collegei in the world.) Under the iplendld araterit the arudenta learn more In a month than" they would in four or five months at other lluslneiis Colleges. "Smith-Premier" Btudenta often become competent to Oil position! after a few months' training. For instance, Mias West, who only joined the College on the 11 lh January, has gone right rate ol between 70 and 80 words a minute, tranacriblna' without an error. Khe la well advanced with her Apply bvtwevu it and 10 to THE MATRON. THRUST right GENERAL, sleep home pref.

Apply 35 Oxlord-at, Boudi JunctLn. WANTED, good CiENEItAi. Ur.HVAN T. w.g.w wceh, sleep home. 1HU Ultimo.

VV ANTED; reap. General, mu.t jt good cook, llglit duties, Sleep h.refs. 10, tin Mary Ann-st, Ultimo. WANTED, MAN, to milk and deliver, wages 4.1 wtk. J.

I'ouniier, laryt Hunter's Hill. WANTED, a GENFlfAL. TuBtet Uuutaua, Kiuf-sC His. 758, Herald. rANTKD, smart GIRL, general help; nuld kept.

Zr 0 Jeorge-at Dawta Point young t'IKiK and LAUNDRESS. Lisinur-Hoftl, Pitt-Bt, near Uattuinit-at smart, steady tUh market. p.r"tatoeC Afternic), 247 Oiiord-a city expd'; Hall Porter. Apply after 8 a.m., Vic- toria Coffee Palace, 2l8 Pitt-Bt Tyttewrftuig. liookkeepintc, I other aubjecU.

BanoA1 Koral will make you hail had no tultiou in these subject before joining the "unent, wool season. Bpcciai Wed-College. ncwiay and Bat'irday afternoon classes. 'ANTED, clean n-Liabie elderly WoiiianTlight amall fami, adulft. 2t( Uoyce-at.

Olebo Point fANTEii, Dili, eeiKTaily tucfuraiid look after Iwrss. tfcrenooBg Appiy GU-Im- rd, C.lelM' point. I'ED, cottuge. 7 ANTED," waara. a rclincd C.i'Iut.i), pent.

H.1 Aieuiii-nL ulebc Po Litflit General, ti-od pluin St. cook, gooal Lo.lgi-. WANTED. LADY HELP. Apply Uurli.igtou, itoae- ville-ave Vl'ANTED, Mute Cook, for "coll cgi, weekly, rcfer- Alplu.

Otllce: 1 irAM'KD, MrrieITi-uple or Man, garden and milk uveiiswtKwI. Canington-rd. Waverley. 'ANTED, a a few hour every 1.01-w.k. Apply laudville, st, WhraT 'ANTED, young t.iri for "restaurant, aaAUt Am i.ii.

use! ul or Light cot lire. Jul oh li I. tniill fuinll. lleu.I-r.1. 'ANTED, Light GA-iieial.

4 a'Iulta; mi waanhur, anuj 31 Woohtt-at. Dhrat ANTED, sm'art yoi Snr-iiie c. -rt II .1 young Man a Apply hi i.i st. ANILD. reap, young Girl or housework.

AppTr andria, off Mitchell-rd) Revel Muddnx-at 7ANTED, strong cMrrl" for bouaework. nieinliliir. etc. V4 Clevelaiut at, city. a refine! vnung micd 1 rliild.

Ntri. Mil Girl for the coimtry. 1 17ANTEI1. miitipt It-vere-TYi'Tv rtijJiy Jim nu-st WANTED, Nursery GOV.TlLCl.rrfTwarrs lis per w.ek. A.

Manly Post-office. 1 lANTED, General, gasrtove, no good wages, a. Jn It family. IVndennls, IfjglAii-at, Mosman, WANTED, a good General SERVANT. Apply MarTH ilmn.

145 Quw-n-st, Woolluhra. BTuala 7 ANTED, Light GENERAL, plain cwkingi Tanrnan. iirr nl. Coovee. family.

-o IRONER, must polinh well 70 Apply aliepllw, with CW, eaimiilea return for fame VHM. L. Herald Offloe. WANTED, pAUTNEB with in indent buaioeaa, refa. required.

Addruia Indrntor, llerwliL XVZ- aontractJ aecurcd. eanital iwrnirw. iLtUtXL, i 'J? "ymn district, by Pryteatunt family (6), UAJUV on abana, 80 or 1U0 cowl, uurwood roM-omoe. VV. Co.

A. J. M'l. KOf), Wellington, N.g. WANTKD, an APPRENTICE to learn tliamoruj a3 general gem setting, premiums required.

C. BROOKE, Metropolltaathainben, Markct-etreet Sydney. HVtt WKRS w.n tralia, fveninr. anare time. work, aalarv iLM per annum.

ipply, coptea refereoeea, tcetliiKniiala, ecj.u,un. Herald, King atreeu WOOUT-AfNI SQ, Experting, Enginedriving taughl tnoroiighiy at ationaI Wool Institute, Uti George- Apply for ius. ro.1.N1 well educated, good writer, wroldTike do at home durn. evga. O.

I. P.O. "VSO. Laly viiTta" and" rixuniiiinrHtnn2il 1 tt-ru 1 i Jn lUd.n ll vr y' Handwriting the sonil B-uiilance 7 A.C.P.A.. MKTKOPOIilTA CS.

lSS PittL "irOUNG Man seeks S.T. aa Driver- Mechanic, f'yeari1 J- London cin.inence, any make of petrol car; would take charge of two or more cars; aire 26. -I'ply Motor Herald, King-street. V.I?N "KVTI.EMAN; -to yemra of are.woulJ"lTlM POSITION as (HSH1EK -nd B(KK KEEPER, town or country, yeara" experre.rce, excellent iredentiala, urald ORlce, King-street. "yOU will fall behind unless your memory" is vood.

I'll' -hour daily for six wees will perfect your I memory The Pel man System is the natural one, easily acquired, permanent benefit. Taught by Post. Write for free booklet, Pelman School of Memory, I Stock at eiooume. POSITIONS VACANT. ADVERTISER like Man Ii'ir waite, ah.

bltuck uii, ilenUrt. itt-i7wrTrTdie5; iS'3 conimu-ion. Apply Toti.lvl A SMART BOV wintrd. requirflT- MethS cllit Rook Depot, SSI Uinatt. Svdnev.

A SMART JUNIOR, for Bcklllna; BuaineaOaT. tlmlnra to Macazinc. Herald. A RI.SP. BOV (or office, aalarr lOaTidTjW.

IntcaritT. Herald oSru A RE.A,tidi Pnpii Talced i-itr where a thoroush aeneral know ledito can be obtained. Premium. J. E-, Herald, Kinsnrtreet A -IS there a Position sV Shop Manager or ealeT man, formerly engaKed in muar josiOony Compelem to undertake management of iMiMoew, wiy.

keep books, and correspond, good salesman, references. if ao, Ureas Herald OfRce. SSISiAMS, promfnent flrms. AccounUnta, lS.k-f kwpers, Clerk. Typ' Dmpera, Millineiu.

Sales-i'(POcefl1- Travellera, Ironnrcnvrrrs, Csrlers. Storemen. RrgiMration fee 6s. We mike no charm tn cinploye. M-rchanU and Traders Kinploy-ment Pnrcau.

J. Beveridgc, Manager. 14 Hartiu-pl APrLJu? the Position of Sinful "mUmi "'-l Vtm. Applicants must be 6illy rp, alined under the A.T.N. A.

Apphcationa will be rec-eivifl unviuv March, and must he addressed to the imlmigned, ac conipanied try terttmouiala, certificate of health, and age ol applicants, J. M. LEK, Hrin, Secrtrr, -lifHospiUL from a COMPETENT MAN, well op In Manufacturlne? OoITpm. Rnlw take charge of a Factory. Fullest references required.

SPTCES. Box 241, flPn Siiu. BcolS Apply TeAERi '0Ur-K thor. sober, all fcread. smailg-xHla, J.

Anderson. Baker. TjimKLAYER wantrU Apply ContrsrtorTCourT itiise. Darlinglm rst. smart wen, used to cement; and otinora-st, rsaoington.

M'Donald. Alexandria Put-lic Schnn 'HERA Wanted, Shcpinan, for lo-day inn. Kinir-st. Newtown. E.

Chapman ami 243 Pitt-st. IJAhERS IMPROVER, tin up. for country, L.MriyjJtjtt-earh-at. BOY, for warehouse, strong, good writer. State see.

with references, to ti. P.O. Box 40. JOY wanU-d, to drir- and Mute war ea re- quired, Tonga. P.O., North Sydney.

TJOY wanted, pack parcels, printing hoiise. expert ence preferred. James Henderuorj. JW riiwiirui OY8, ieam carpentring, 7s. Apply altTTo o'clock.

Mil. AlexmmMJ J-'V wanted, for ah op. J. HarrfsT Parkat. wantedT Ye Cleane ToweUe AastaT Hunter and ItamiHv.n ui wanted for oftir.

innU in G.P.O. --BINDETT" 250 Kent.stL wanted. Galwey and JOYS wanted. Sands. "IJOY wanted, short hours, leaving at'hool preferred, ji (ice and 800 Pitt-st JlOY wanted.

0 Clirence-st p'fUn good Makers, for welted work. Premier 310 Ceorge-st BOOT maiting-room. Ce tennlal Shoe I.trf TJOOT onoe jflt ucean-st wanted for messages, 7s Od wsges. Psttin- son and niomiats. Pmts-rd.

AnnandaJe. TJOOT TRADE. an Annrw. mm W. 0.

Steuart. Tlieat 20 Rowe-st a -j FITTERST T. Bardon, Rnnili B0 w-nt 'of stop. and hvbertaon, 80 Cartlereafrh st. "IJOY, etTanilii, wage St ed.

Apply, with refereneM- ft. crxr-Sl. kS. Urtemi. itltMl.

snviiri. iiirt left aehonl nrfa 4 iwT town Disrnsirv. Eumnre-rri TJOY wanted, willing iT Kleiadorff, i4fl King st. IOYS 'antcd, nt'o "good' watrea. AnnliT" Co- opemtive Itrrm Factory, Hegartv-st.

t.leho. JJCK1T TRADE. flocd LINING RUNNERCool liVT- A DE. Outdoor Machinists wanted. licabeth-st.

TJOOT TitADK. -Wanted. Improver, able to t'ioru-ai. raeington. ijuuntiisuim-wante).

GIRLS" sb Leamera. Peak and 250 Pitt-st Murtrit-'s Marian-st Fsctorv. Redfen "IJOtrT TRADETCnmptT Machii.insT cCn't. T. week.

M'Murtric's Mariin-st Fjetirv. 'r Nnntcry Gani. st Liiyville7near wHRea ios to commence with. Apply fciturd-iy or Monday, at Nursery, or She. herd's, 202 Pitt-street.

70Y required," st once, for large cmrneri ial" and "hipping office, good prospects lor smart, well- coi.caieaj ooy. Box 518, C.P.O. smart, respectable Lads." "ilioiit" BfiYS. WsntedT years of age. Coniuetenl Rnva are oaniln.

oo. per week. Personal application only. LYSAGHT inmiieu, wirevtorK8, Alihotatord. TjOOT TRADE.

Wanted for couqtiy. OPERATOR, to miii mvciirr. Apply CO J. D. ALDERSON and SON, 54 Clarence-street.

TJ0Y9 WANTED. Apply a.m., Mr. METERS, REALE and COMPANY, 78rge-etreetHydney. XJOOKniNDERS. Wanted, a good OENERAL ri.Tioiir.ii, ay weii-eataniisned nrra la Hobart, umi wanes.

nrBLO, Herald Office. Smart BOYS required for our ORDER DEPARTMENT. Good opportunity to learn the buainesa, SATURDAY HALF-HOLIDAY. W. T.

WATERS AND King and George atreeta, Sydney. COLLARMAKER wanted, constant to competent man. J-W. Backhouse, Oeorge-st. C1JIEMISTS.

Junior req. for suburban hiRinVssVAppj with aatlafaetory stat W. Herald. CANVASSERS, Lady'and 'Gentlemen, good wlllnr line Rodophta 2tt Georgc-st West. (CANVASSERS," north; Rohur Tea, largest sale At, ttwtl com.

Letter, II. Anderson, Manly. CHURC-HVlSSIONARY AKJOClATION -Wanted, Aa-sfstant SECJRKTAUY, a layman interested in work; maximum salary 150. Apply hv letter ij mi- itril. wc me rtirand, Sydney.

lOLLhClUH and Caiivaiver wanted lor e'trv ih.imt. must lie young and smart, of gooi address, with IUK- Riiimic.iKi- oi nooK art ping, sun well recom-ni ided1 Apiv Jol IARR FRANKS, S2 Pitt-st, city. APPLICATIONS arc Invited tnr th Pnaltinn COUNTRY INSPECTOR for a well-known Fire and Ac Vy I I 1 -I 1 I 1" '1 CI V4 1 i ciass all No for up the 1. right and to 8. no and be I I AL six night TUN school.

tuncy POSITIONS VACANT. AfTLUNEKY SHOW ROOM. Vacancy for Beginner, 1X to leant Bales. Mias Maodougall, 191 Pitt-st. MACHINIST' wanted.

Priugle, builders, Old djuthj Head nl. Wavcrlev. Tlf AN, drive van, must be good driver and furniture M-aer. aii. A.

Warr, Farr atL M'kville. Otftcer to any Lodtre or I'-ii-ndly Society In Sydney or mjourns, pieaae communicate at once wnn tne Hon. rteerctary, B.M.A.. 12l Bathurat -street, iur. Rirresponuence fierx wunuo tor leaaing wholesale softtrooda house, must be competent stenographer and typist (Hmlth Premier).

P. Herald OHiee. practical, with goml experience, mull iL tied to take control of Wholesale Workroom. Apply, stating experience, to W. GARDINER and 71 Yurk-etreet ITN1C1PAIJ1T OF boWhaX Aimlieatiortjt are Invited for the position of MANAGER of the GASWORKS of the above Municipality, at a remuneration of Jui per week, free residence, lighting, and luei.

Specifleatlnns of duties on application. Duties to com' mence on A itril ist. Atplicalinua, with copiea (only) of references enclosed, endorred "Gas to reach me not later than 4 p.m. OA WEDNESDAY, 17tb Inst. E.

A. HUNT. Town Clerk. tiovemess. Granville, 30 per annum.

litter. P.O., wranvme. TEW SOI TI! WALKfl INHTTTI'TfON FOR THE DEAF 1 AND DI'MH AND THE BLIND. REQUIRED, a well educated YOUTH, not exceeding years or age, to De trained as a TBACiiKK in Kie institution. Particulars as to duties, salary, etc, may be obtained from the undersigned, to whom applications, with COPIES of teadmoniaU, may be sent up to THUK8- uAi, i cm inKutnu CANDIDATES will be required to attend at the Instl ritlion on SATURDAY, fc'th Instant, at 0 a.m., undergo an examination by the Superintendent.

WILLIAM It ICG, Hon. Secretary, Cityjoad, Darllnrton Svdney. TEW YORK LIFE INSCRANCK co*ki'ANY AHamU STG. AGENCY for thin Cnmnanv nnena rwt Bru1 1M. tlve field of cmnloyment.

Previous experience la not cuMi. Chief Office for Australasia. X17 tt- BOY. VACANCY for well-ertntavt VOITTn k. scholar, and write neat hand.

Apply )y letter, statin tr a (re. with ennv of tsrfcnnl ALIA.N STEAMSHIP COMPANY. i irrit IKIT VYAATED. Personally, IIARDMAN BIwujt Manufacturers, Enmore. AT.rL HOSPITAL.

Wanted, a TRAINED MMtflR. holdin- A. T.N. A. Certificate.

to aci as MATRON an I NURSE. Wardsman and Cook and Liiindnmi bm.t Hulary at the rate of ner annum, and tnvellint expenses refunded after six months' satisfactory ser- t-TiiuiiriK-e in weex lit May. terminable by two months' notice from either Sidtf ApFlicatlona, enclosiruj references, to be to the hands of Secretary by April 15th, addressed to Secretary O.K. Hospital, via Cairns, QueerulsmL poSITION offered by J.O., Redfem P.O., ia HlledT- General Hand and Boy. rose.

173 A If red -st. North Svdner. G. Pen IkLUMBCKS wanted, rooting, guttering, at Bankstown. L.

A. Torr. builder. fvev-U. Ml vl arte Hand and improver.

Bates, Arc.i li i CJIetw Pt. 1R01A'i'10NER wanted, for courtry hospital, i a2ii. Apply Matron, Herald Office. alary wanted, at once, constant, heal -B- wages. Alexander, Brodaiak, 3rd 222 I FEED BOY wanted.

Linden-court, 107 Castlereagh-st. BOY, able to make ready. Mor" and I De Plater, Enuine-at, flaymarket. wanted for macrtint-room. 20 Grosvenor-at.

Plumbers, used to Iron roof. ew 1.i.ilm.r. crnwn.rd, bet AUn, Fig ata. PmnL BOY or GIRL for Royal. Gioeftenor-st.

a compt. Man, able to -a. ilo carpen trrinar. TeslaFrameW'orka, Q.V. Mkts.

PUBLIC Aeoouotant'n Office. Respectable" BoV wanted, luuat be painstaking, and anxious to get on, one with some knowledge of typewriting pre hncd, salon' 10 per wit. Public. Herald, King-st pRIVATE Tf'mON, D.Y AND BMJN1NG. M.

Bl'ltiVSi'l PASSES. Bank. Pharmacy. vemity, Teacten' Entrance Clerical, Telephone, Postal ajuobi. t.

ia Kxarmt. W. F. SWYNNY. B.A., Govt Savings Rank -chambers, Moore-street QVARRYMiiK wantei Apply T.

Price, R8 Union- Aft YM A at once. ARRVM.W, at once. Apply Inncs, Ferndcne, 6u riml'tiiurd. Moaman. TJESI'Ffl AHI.E YOUTH wanted, with knowledge iiilv.

with -Li Uuc'kkci pn salary to start. IE. Apply. giving age and experience, to not nil, n.r.rj. REQUIRED for a large colliery, Northern district, a tlioroughly competent and practical Working ENGINEER, a.ul one who can control and supervise mechanical staff.

Apply, cnuloiiug copies of referent'ee, to uox no, Newcastle. C.MART. Mronc. reliable LAD. llealthrrles Mfg.

Kent at. near Druitt-st STRONG, lutelli-ent LAD wanted for Diapenaary, wg-m Ia. Dispenser, R.P. Alfred I.ATK QiiiiiTjrtian mint be trionjusrhry ex itrm-mru. uinmon, Mtlioni, AOtKlll, UOnQ-St.

CJTRAW Hat Machinists wanted, good riaan worli rkTW Anderson and Alblon-at, 8. Hills. STRONG LAH for putttng up for Sale Boarda. Uiinje. CJitato a-rnt, near Bondi Junction.

A. J. unrtinn. STONE NapFter wanted. avemie.

n. -r Bayaw.iter-rd. WillUmson, Barcora- CJHIRTS. Tennis, Fashion, all branches; Girls leav- ing scncfi, lor cupping. i-errecL, M3 Kent -ft SMART Doorman, for tailor's shop, at once, Myer I Georsre-stHyrnarkeL SIHHTMAKEliS uatited, accust.

puttlnc on collars, const, work, good wagsa. 18 Redfern. SMART LAD wanted, must be resident and know "dis-tri t. SatunlavB Hinckley, QOLpERFRS and' Machine 'llanda wanted. Apply OMAHT LAD wanted for Chemist's suburbs, one willing to leam and be useful, taken with nominal premium.

Must be well recommended. Apply In own handwriting. CHEMIST. Herald. gp INNER.

WANTED, an ASSISTANT SPINNER. Apply Woollen Mill, co Box 241. G.P.O. S1 lYDNEY CITY ORGANIST. Applications will be received bv the nndenHwneft until 1 o'clock p.m.

on THURSDAY, the March, 1W0, for the POSITION of CITY ORGANIST of Sydney for a term of three (3) years, at a salary of Four imin'is per annum. Conditions of appointment may be had on tion to the Town Clerk, Town Hall. Sydney. W. 0.

LAYTON, Acting Town Clerk. Town Hall, Svdney, 18th February, 1909. SWAN RIEIt ECU A NICS' PERTH. W.A. INSTITUTE, APPT.IPATTrtKQ k.

111 frt'civ'Nl ih President of the above up to 6th iur int; roeuion oi nr.UKlTl AKx and i.iiii.AHiAii. aaiary, per annum. Particulars iw to qtialiflcntiona, duties, may be m.v ruiiiHP Aincnaeum; unooi of ArU, Mdney; Adelaide Circulating Library; and at the Institute, Penh. i anvam or the members of the committee, cither qua li heat ion. H.

W. MILLS. President Trousers Improvers general hand, for South liforr 12, Dowling-st. Rcdfem. hniart Improver, also Boy for Watson, Ralislmry.rd, SUnmore.

near station. mo TailorciBes.pWtd., coat Hands, also advane3 FlrstKrlajBT COAT rTArTBS. G. Bresthour, 03 EllzabeUi-st. 1 door fmm T1.1? Monday week, imart Plno, in taUor'a front or '1AVT'Anp, IBS Oeorirr-itreet.

COMPETENT, lt.ilJW, u.p.o. rpAlLORJSWMted, rd COAT HAND 'KTladTcT McDOWKLL and HUQ1IIC8, a -I82'. Ooorne-atreet, nr. Q.p.o. rrtO .1...

atd "0d A'ND HAUOS, PLAt'KllI'RN. and 1, rpiiK I 1IOTKL KMPUtTRRS- BIJRKAII. 1 bar. iir, Barnuld, city, id 18 and Caatlereairh etreeta. rESJ' vast LAShtR 'and LARKKR, I'll Ikmutwl push paper trade, knnwl.dffe of the trade.

indent. Uiiat Eaaentlal to atate laperlenoe ann aaiary required to Mornln. ITeraM. TO HRAIifRX a amart. onerretle alnI.

MAN' J'iRllih ejperlenee, m. ferred. Apply, required, Willi ce. tlonally cmlorulil. accommouaUon on the premlVei, aajun, Yourur LADY AnaisrrivT Parcel.

Office. iV.n 162, L54 Pltt -treet, tfydtZZ turflV-March Uth. lom rJTOi UNiyKitsmf oT BYdW. CHAIR OF AGRICULTURE. P-rlismentaTy vote.

unocr u'SdiS inBun' wlth no' ttlmonista, should he sent to he Registrar of the University, snd should be In hia hands not later WEDNESDAY, the 14th of April. moaalbU in th. VT rV I i 4 to last 17 POSITIONS VACalNT. lOAClISM ITIlsT-Wanted, General Hand. Haitiand" dilUict.

contUnt work, good wagea. Apply after 'no hospital. APPUCATIONS for the POSITIONS of MATOOV n1 ritOUATl J.VfcK in the altore Inatitution are now open. may be Undered to lh bwrvUtv, accompanied by tl.litVMt and credrntiala. Prouutiooera must have bad some prrvioua experience, A.

A. LLildlAM, Boo. 8ea Bk. N.S.W., Coolah. DK NT A Smart, tidy young Lady, attend, aaaiat 8.3U lo.

Apply h'wriling, age. aai.L7u&, llrld. KNTAL AhaiaUnt" wanted, good inetlianic, country. SUte aalarv req.and refrrencea.Hicutili'iia, Herald KNTLSt. Aaaiiitaiit, for country.

Apply Crook, 211 Parranialla-rd, Lcicliltardt. TYKNTWT, reglHtered, wanted, by company. MuTy to 7.Vi, Herald Office. T'MAKJNO -Macha. and smart Blouse Hands wsi nteZ Mrs.

Bradbury, 'J2 Nowrunie-st, SummefJiilL DHE.SSMAK1NU.-Wanted, good Improvers. Call 1 p.m. Falcon-st, N. Hyd. ACHINIST w-tntcd at once.

Mias Kelly, Dixaon-biiililiii. CM Pitl-st. TKK.SSMAKIN'tl IMPROVERS and A por entices. Mias Kelly. DixKin-Uuildiniri.

64 l'itt-st. tood Coat and As- -M-J aistant. W.t Kelly, Disaon-buildinga, 04 Pitt -at TittESSMAKING. Wanted, at once, ttnt-ela Bodice Hand. Mis Higman, Equitable-build ings.

DENTISTS. Two First-slaw MEN required, intei state. Partinilars, AUSTltALIAN DRUG DenUl Depotj Spriug-street a mrna Man. 11 in veara of are. for Order and Silk Dcpartuicnta; previous experience oaaary.

E. WAY and COMPANY. to aio Pitt-atreet. Alex. Cowuu and Sous, ENERGETIC young Man, good address and appearance, wanted to canvass City Firms on commission.

Suitable man aaaurtd of liberal returns. State, age, aud references. Bos 1072, G.P.O. INGiNEtEB. and FIREMAN wanted." Wagej Us, JOHN W.

EATON, Tiinber m' M'Mahuti's Point. North Sydney. TNGINEHRINO. Varaiiiuy tor Youth to learn era A-J trinceritiir, pattern niakang, from American and English ezer(( moderate premiui num. So.

Herald. Ijiun irw. ouya, is-iv, inni acion uiiikiiok, aiao Imprvit. K. PhoenixI.

Pyrmont. 1EKHHOYS waiiie. "for LctttTpreas Machims. Rosa Kent-st. IIHltOCSYciling Fixers.

Apply after 1 o'clock, 11. V. SiininonH, Doris, Brighton-st, Croydon. ILonjtLAYKIlS wanto.i, to lav floors, 7U tJ. Dal-wood ami 1 13Hati; -at.

C'lRLS. -WANTED, GIRLS for" Order "Dept. and wsjehnuse. Applv 8.30 a.m., 340 Kent-st. wages 6i RO( -Kits.

-Smart Youth, Demit Bros, P'n TRbCEKS. ROt'EKS. Wanted, Lad, for delivery, to trade. Wingioi-e, Marrickvillc. lifted 0OD CARPF.NT:R wanted.

Fewitigs and Phillip-st, city. CIIRIjS wanted for nookbiudin-, experienced i-bin- dera, good wages. Cislwey and viO Kent-aU "I HII-S 2S) wanted, leam Un atMrt, good iHlii w.inte). Apply Johnnon Bros, and jam iiieuiuiaci'iri'm, iiav-st, iicie. tidciD Opening for smart LAD lor nTrrirtcr'a office, tbl per week.

Apply 17 PhiUip-st. 3 teach 435, Inverell, music: Lad' Mudgee. V.W.C.A., HO niffthba, siorec. 3 nuuii; eld. 10.

fill Irri. music; s. GOV. and N'WOMAS. station, invcrina,, music, 3 purils, dd.

P. HITTM ANN'S AfiKNCY. Bl rJi-aMh-treet. GOVERNESS, piano, and violin, JCij; music, paint, n'wk, 4 pupils, 5il, Parkes; muaic, Morce, i0; music. Morce, mimic, n'work 3u R.C., Manilla; cao, vtagga, Daily uovernesB, stlioo i-3r, W.

hab. 110 Usthurst -street of troi-xi rermte and busiiie ability re-J iuir-vj in ettt l.shed House snd itate Aspney. liabilities. T.i o.icn and inanaire Itianch (Jlti-es. Splendid opportunity.

No risk. Capital required, aui. Appiy 749, Herald Office. GLOCCF8TER STTIRE. Applications ar inritid from EntrinceiD oualincd under the Local Uoverurnent Ait the position of SIHUE ENGINEER to the Shire of uioucesier.

naiary per annum, including ah al lowances. Applications to be addrcwed to the under signed, on or before the 3rd April, l'juO. Shire CTerk DltmUOT i.OfiPiTAL. OL'LBURN AND APPLICATIONS ire invited from Members of the A.T.N. A.

for the Portion of STAFF NURSE, at a salary of A50 per annnm. Applicants must state age, and when able to take their duties. Applications clote with the under-ligned on THURSDAY, 25th instant, W. A. ACDON AIJ.


State age, qualifications, and salary expected, CROCKERY, Box 841. G.P.O.. Sydney. If I HOSPITAL. ALTERNATE APPLICATIONS are herebv invited for Position of SURGEON to the above Instltutipn, as under: Salary, 3) per annnm, wRh reaidence, and the of private practice within the city of Qympie, to be subject to the rules of the Institution aa Honorary Consulting Surgeons.

Salary, 200 per annum, with board and residence, private practice, snd to be under the supervision directions of the Honorary Surgeons. Salary, 500 per annum, with residence, no private practice allowed, except consultations with other medical men, and to be subject tn the rules of the institution as to Honorary Oontultmg Surgeons. The engagement will he for an indefinite period, terminable on six (6) montlu notice from either side. Applications, with references and qualiUcaticns, to in the hands of the Secretary on or before SATURDAY. MAY 1.

1900. Full particular on application to RICHARD IL ELLIOTT, Secretary, Qympie. Queensland. February 22, 10M. HAIRDRESSER, for to-iUv.

Wanted, a Cnmnetent Tradesman R. True man, George-at, Circ. Ouav. AttlUKKFR wanted for to-day, 12s 6d, young UAIRDltKSSER wanted for today, flrst-tJjaa nun. Jw 4tirg.

Liverpool-st, city. lirst-clau Hand, to-day Harry P.trkca.120 Vt illiam-nt. Wanted, good gent. to-" day. P.

Ahertromliie-st city. HAIRD. wanted for Satunlay 'sfterTioori, perm, i spit. Ap. with tool, JstiGor -e st North.

TTOKDERN HROTI I ER3. PI TT ST 1 1 1 vii i Vacancy for a STRONG, RESPECTABLE LAD in rn mores, nniy inose willing to work nerd arm v. Apply UPSTAIRS on MONDAY MORNING, 0 o'clock. A HOSPITAL. wiin tne Aimraiaaian Trajned Nursca' Applications, returnable on the 17th Inst arc invited SENIOR MTRSR.

Salary, 00 per annum. Fare to Hav rehmded after months' service. Applicants must hold certificate, duty. 0. CAMDI'V.

Srretiry. IMPORT and Export Firm require the 'service ol tnm-petent SAI.fcMAN to take charge of Indent Department, knowledge of general inert hamline Apply HONO, Herald Cmlce. IRONMONGERS. -First-class Man wanted, for hack country, single man ref erred, munt tin THr.i.,.,-wl IIoicsrwOTth, Matipherson, snd Co. TRONM0N0ER8, Good JUNIOR wantH.

witi Tool experience pmcrrea. Apply, letter only, O. T. SAVAGE. Box 18, Q.V.

Markets P.O. fNTOlOE CLERK. WANTED, a Parable TTTVTOR rvrnirw rrr.vnr e. Wholesale Softgoods Warehouse. Must have had previous experience In this line, and he mhU tn nnvine.

ucwDiMit. Appiy Invoice Clerk. Box 708, G.P.O. CLERK, for solicitor's office. Box 191, iu.mok clerk wanted, for solicitor's office.

Alpha. OR CLERK wanted bTlife Insurance ConanT Preference given to intelligent Boy just (rum Apply in own handwriting, and forward refer TUN 10 II CLERK, not over 17. hcn-in ln. .1 A fxi It I AJN llCnM.KKKl'KK. one havinir

experience preferrssL Box 1014. fl EWELLERY. WANTED. GIRL POLISHERS, i I to the trade; alio nt'iiiuiui-'ua R0LLA80N and 110-121 Castleresgh-street "EWEIXEBT BROOCH HANDS rermired. arntafntnerl tn a Applications strictly confl.

ROLLASON and 110-121 t'aatlereaghttrret. -flood 0(Bcb6Y. Dart, Herald (2). reapertable and willing, frfirTS wholesale Imnortera. Eureka.

Ii.niii rwn. CLERK. fnrjBrge city firm, previous expe- Hence and knowledm nf tTwriiina not essential, 25a to commence. Kquitanie-tMiilrtlng. EOAU-Edurated YOtjtli required, to tearu Pro-lession: small nremlum! amnH nmnun.

11? np faldOfflce. JADIEfl1 fAlLOR," FARMER snd Tjuitph for best class trade, of an EXPERIENCED MAN, cot and take charge of this hrarich. personally (-Uttn' Ppertou- perlencr), or Second Flftfir, wanted, capable Mnji.inr.nv smart Apprentice. American Hat Rinre. ACHimSTS and ApnrentWa wanted at one lisht work.

ta niM.rt nuu d.i. 7 ANTED, experfefwt BOOKKEEPER, Urgl I country ators. lull cuarie of oliiuL By letter. P. D.

MURPHY and Cooma. fVANTElk MATRON, trained Xt.NTA., salary C70 per auintun, AjllctioiiB, credentials, etc, to be seat to HON. Ht-UTUKTAkV ColLsrcnsbrl HoS)tUL iVTANTED ''for Pa for Cocoanut Plant VV tion, salary 176, previous eaperienre of cocoanut pianansr easentii ntiai. Reply, with copies refa, and sLUUat age, to No. 710, neraia imte.

117ANTED. young LADIES for Blouse, Corset, and Jacket Departments, not over Its years of age; pre vious experience: in me irapery iraue nri-cwtw. WAY and COMPANY, 213 to UV Pitt street, IT ANTED. VV A BRASS FILES. Apply 9.49 a.m., Mr.

MEYERS, BEALh and COMPANY, CleiirLre-atreet. Rvtlnev. WANTED, Young MAN with previous" training fi Lathe ami Fine-too' work (preferably wu'ch or lnatniuit-at maker's assistant as MECHANIC, to aiat and learn to take charge of battery and elec trical instrument worn. Apply a.m. Monday, lHh.

Electriusi Engineering Laboratory, Uni vemity. TANTI.1J. young GIRLS, as Begtnncrri for several aeariniania, Apply FARMER and COMPNY, Limited, Second Floor, George-street. ANTED, duly qualified MEDICAL PBAC TKJ ONER, at Aturleduol limniUl. murtt be tered in New South Wales.

Salary, v200 p.a,, with rielit of nrivate liructlce. Applications, stating age. qualiflcations, to be sent to tne unacntignen. PERCY T. II ATFIEf J), Don, Secretary.

TtrVttSEND ShNINO DiStRICT HOSPITAL. APPLICATIONS are hereby invited up till MONDAY, the 22nd day of March, 100, for a duly qualitled CER TH'ICATED NURSE to act as HEAD SURSE. Salary, 60 per annum, Heferencea required. Wallnend lhhpit-1, THOMAS A PEL, March 11th. Secretary YyANTED, by THE MUTUAL LITE AND CITIZENS ASSURANCE COMPANY, Limited, AN ORDINARY BRANCH INSPECTOR FOR QUEENSLAND.

Liberal Terma to a Gentleman with First-class Life Assurance record. Written applications to be addressed to The Secretary, Castlereagh and Moore streets, Sydney, "TOITH wantedTfor aceonntanPa office, small pre- mium requircu. a. r. Herald umce.

"VT-OUTH wanted, able to drive. Apply rear 1 Arthiir-at, Moore Park. YOUNG Man with brains and business and shipping anxioua to advance, di-tnjtih order, travel contractors, rapid promotion if deserving, salary. iteiiance, neraia unice. SERVANTS WANTED.

A COMPT. General for family, 8, plain cook, gas swvc, all conv. Bennett Victoria-av, Chats. A G(H)D General wanted, 3 ladi. all duties, light A SMART General, with or without washing, cm slove, sleep home.

117 Chaii(hw-at, North Byd. A Housemaid or Liht General for adult family. a Apply with refen-nces. 187 Giorge-at, Redfern. A COMPETENT General, small tamilv.

iraa stove? M-s. Spencer, Valetta. Snringilale-pl, Killara. ACin-E Pirson, light OENERAL, easy place, good outing, refa. Mr.

Pout -ol lire, Summer Hill. A YOUNG General, light placv, 2 In family, gas stove, a ll holidays given. San Itcmo, inlr)eld. A SMART HOUSEMAID. Apply 110 Phlllip-st, ciiy.

A- -THREE Light GENERALS. Domestic Workers' Agency, llunter-st. A. Ref. y.

sble teach 2 y. l. rtry L'dreas. 25s, clry. Kliiiabetb-st A USEFUL, hotel, subsT, one used to horses, IL P.

14a; H.M. W'treas, 14s. Mrs. Petcrj, ham's, 73 Cook, no Inter. 10; Cook L'dress, hotel, tub.

A GENERAL wanted, references, good wages to competent girl. Mrs. MADDEN, 5 Flood -street. near waveney Pant. A COMPETENT GENERAL for Mosinan.

three adults, personal 12s, moat evenings free. Apply Mondhy, "Cuthbert," Oounter. "Bulletin" Office. ATTlMPSON 70 Hunteat, ST Bellinger 15a; atrong young WOMAN, Yaaa. lSa; Udy NURSE, IU; LAUNDRESS, iavs, ios; 2 FRIKNOS.

Sutton Forest, 2(s. IJOY3 (2) wanted, learn mixed fafTnlng, good pUcea; ff-irfl-'7re Pld- Sage, 45 ElixaAeth-st. BOY, milk one cow, assist in garden, esay progressive place to suitable lad, wages to start 7s Od, good home. Interview employer, 360 Oxford-street, PHtldington. Monday 11 a-m.

CWOK Laundresn, or compT General, no washing', pera. refa. AthelsUne, Holt-Ocean sta, Dble. Hay. HOUSEMAID wanted.

ApplyithrefsT, GIcHferrie, Prince Albett-st. Mosman. COMPETENT Nurse and Needlewonun, good wages." l.PPyAtlrMnO'ilU' Pcrclval rd, SUnmore. wm-ABiusAHids tteip to lady, part Invalid, washing, gas atove. good was.

78 Bondi -rd. ryMiliTENT GENERAL ITOMPETENT young COOK and Laundress or GerreraL Prudhoe. Darlina- pA.nt.rH NaRETaSeR for empty bouse, Sum. Hill, wages 20s references. Apply CaretakerHersld Office.

OHEF Cook, Mrrstaurant; city, small business, good wages. Apply Saturday, after 9 a.m.. UCDLKY COFFEE PALACE, Next Door Royal Naval House, COOK no starched clothes, 18s, int. 11 o'c. Cook, do iron, 10s.

Dark: L. Heln. ina- Kit. cnen uoy, hotel: Girl, mind baby. Mias Tipper, Srd wnrtrsHr ui- skal or cook and Laundress, also suUcn, refa.

Apply Mrs, STUART DOB HIE. Wal" liOK elderly Woman, able to A- cook, good home, with salary. Apply 3-9. p.m., Satdrday. H-3 Sunday, 397 Miller-street, North Sydney.

URL, for gen. housework, two In family, rcfxT, V.T good wages. 160 Macquarie-it. ClTltL, strong, mind light-Unties, sleep home. I Mrs.

Stuart, corn. Regent and Bedford sta, N'town. -CJOOD HOME for pencioner, must he used to farm Vl. life and cooking. Apply R.Y., P.O..

Mi lawn's Pt GOOD Home offered to young or middle-aged Person return light services. 103 Susscx-st, city. for 'aale lijrtit duties. As atartZ Xge rid full particulars to Zone, Herald. 7SENERAL 3 in family.

Mrs. VJT Diigtiid, Mrredith-st, Homcbuah. GENERAL for the country, woman with a child not ohjected. A. Manly J'r t-ofnee.

(baby not objl all duties, cook, wash, 4 tarn. Perth House. Genra-r-at P'tnatt. KNERAL waniedri In home, plenty time off, no shirts. Betw.

0 and 10. 4 Kclletl-at. Alma Hotel, Lewiaham (5 min. from railway). GP.N.

wanted, lfts, Itandwick; 10a; Cook, N. lUa. Ixivctt and Vcntcliner, 819 El it, -at GIRL, about 10, light dutiea," hours fl" to 0. uT T. Chauvel.

Dcntitt, Belmorr-rd, Randwick. GIRI, wanted, ta cleSn office and 2 rooms, few hours dally. Apply Homely. Herald. (1 KNERAL wanted," ytSung woman, amaU wage 15a.

0.8 to 10, pi? Oeorjre-ft Weal. iENERAL, sleep home, no children, pera, VT family (4). wages lh. 84 adult Redfern. 1UNERAL gd.

wages to com written ami a. 255 Walker-st, nr. Rilge-at. N. Svdney.

VJ neces. 255 Walker-st, GENERAL amall "home, 'good wages, suitable person Catholic pref. Box 1209, G.P.O. GOOD HOME and Wages' to a clean, tidy GIRL, 14 or 15, as MOTHER' HELP. letter to atrs.

wwrfiB, ia Msscotte, Stark-street CCeS. j.u.iUuuw, uaui iir.uro tr-wwj wages. VX Mrs. WOODS. Th- Portrm.

opposite Public School, Military-road, MoamaiL GARDENER, elderly, lfis, COOK, hotel. Singleton. 80s: K'man. milk cot 16s, 10s, tips, club. city, good place.

mi inAnii a auivniii, oi biiraDetn street TroUSEMAID, asst. bar, Useful. Milk Buttons, ITOUSE-MAID, Buttons, 6s. Johnston, 112 C'reagh-at 4 no shirts, 17n, P.Mda., Layard, El It. at.

x-B- ri EAD GARDENER. Wanted, first -Haas Msn; pcr- avaai iciercacea oniy. Apply Biter O'clock, Mr. J. T.

BROWN, Langlee, DiLkson st reet, Waverley. n. AND P. MAID, steady respecti.ble Girl, not tin-der 18, to be trained, 8s to start, small family, cottage, Church of England. Mrs.

HOUGHTON, Campbelltrrwn. IGHf OENERAL, aronce, every" evening and Sunday ETOHT GENERAL, gool home. lib. outings, amall adult refa. Tranent, North-rrl, Fivo Dock.

I' IGHf GENERAL, small family, gas stove, personal rri: MrBStdey Linden, tjhatswood. LIGflt GENERAL wanted, good wsffes. The Moor-IngsEdwards-rd, Gordon. fTOHT GENEHAI-S, "sleep home; sll kinds good MalTa laff wanted. 82 Glvbe-rd, Glebe.

IADY living on large ttslion, CentraTQ'land, i ffera Home ref. woman, retinjtKJ fland, Hrra d. L. ilKLPS, no IcsryTrTWtta'iTr Hitl, and Yasa. 12s and 10s; others F.

Prot, 70 H'Ur st AiV "Help, all du ties but washing, small famiTyT Cottage. Lindfleld. Herald Offle. LIGHT GENERAL, small family, gas "wt71crsonil references. Mrs.

Bidev. Linden, f'hatawuwi LADY HELPS (fl) wanted, cttaTrBonrli; RandvTk? Cmnuntains; jio washing. Miller's. 188 Bindi-rd. AUNDHY.

Wantorf, competM. Shirt Mathiniat7 Iportas Uundry. 174 Forbea aL no wanning. Applv morrJiur or evening, NEUTRAL COTTAGE, rniuip-street Neutral Ray, Near Pnmt.nmna TirOSMAN BAT, closs requires ttrong yp- 0nn, fls, sleep home. BirrlUeejA renun-rdT B-meranr unciui, SJIOWI.

poultry, Sic "lL Appfy SH3 Kina-at Newtown. MfrfntiTiiiUIlt Oeorrala wanted: tul Olrla. 40 Coew, Manly. MAN TOdKfflJ), for "biteia, f. all 1,.

ai kara roontrv m.i. ib i 1. 4l. man cook (no breael). wiim 1.

man cook (n. breaj), wlf, W' cook and Pdre. I adnlla, Trunna; Milkman, lit ii ta.t Errand Boy, lua, cltyi Ueneral, Ma, I chilli and no laundry, N. 1.) UMimTuiwM hotel, ll.M.I.'dn,, Warren; lS Cryon, Took and ldreee, Wa, I aitoli HayTiT, I Maid, 14a, Nyruran. lift i urr i io rsra.i.

nvnaanr rm mi. "oi, am. POSITIOHSACAHT. "MUTUAL UPE AND f'lTIZENS' ASSU1 COMPANY, LIMITED. Caatlereach and Moor, atrteta, Sydney.

rpHE APPLICATIONS are Invited for the POSITION of Jl'NIOR CLERK. Apply in own handwriting, stat- inn Herat, anil rU-tlHtnaP RnnlM fnnlwt nf 1 1 tiiveimitV reriifteaitea (it khi i. mikI nt wtormrem maater of school attended. SALARY commence 40 per annum. Prrvioua experience unnecesssix niiE MUTUAL Urn INSURANCE COMPANY ur nr.w iuim.

INVESTED rUNDS EXCEED Invites Applies tlons from men of character and ability with some eommercial experience, to act as CANVASSING AGENTS. Aa successful applicants will be coached In their work, inexperience In life insurance need not deter good men from applying. Any capable and Industrious man who la willing to acquire a complete knowledge of (lie details of the business can, by den toustra ting his capacity, eatsbliah hia claim to thu highest position In the fluid. All needed explanations will be furnished upon application to RICHARD RENNIE, General Manager, Mutual Life -building. Martin-place ant, Pitt-st, Sydney.

TTMJIRFLLA Machinist and Tipper, constant employ- ment. 11. wrtfiiwiii, i TrY5fP HANDS, nwt-claai. in" or out door. 287 Oenrv'e-st ANTED, smarOVfTlce YOUTH, good penman, relj-ublc-Hirures.

10s start Apply, etc, 7.x. Hid. uble-Hgures, 10s i ust undersUnd cellar work. lintel Victor ria, 3111 Cleoru-e-at, WORKING Manager, estab. Pig I' arm.

gn. Apply afur 10, H.nkt. TI TASTED, strong Youth as PORTER. Apply Md-V day, after 10.

W. Buckingham, 71 Oxford-st, ctv. thrcrQYARRYMEN and one SETTER. Prince of Wales HotcL'averley-LWoollara. 'ANTED, Bmart BOY aa MeSMnuer.

Apply chemist. Glebe-rd. sm. or Res. Agent, for district.

-pply A.B. 0. 17 ANTED, BOY or IMPROVER, Coach painting. or IMPROVER, Aberen.niluc-st. Kiiern.

ANTED, a smnrt BOY, to selT deliver papers. 18 Darllngton-M. nnmngioi ttTAVTI'll rnn E. Ward, VV Kft-a. iHll uiiarrv.

Curl Curl, Manly. VI 7 ANTED, strong LAD, about or is. is. saum.y. ivernool and Castlereagh rta.

7 ANTED, smart YOUTH, for oHice. VV ul.rv renuired. to Box 475, State age and VVANTED, a good CARPENElCApp.y after 1, li Ruthien-st, Waverlcy. 117ANTED, a BOY. Evans and Bon, uroyaon wn-VV Crovdonl 11ANTEO, for plumber's shop.

sooui, i. ply A.J.u.. good Body Maker, used to van and lorry work. W1 H. Bourne.

Dnimmoyne. WANTED, a TRIMMKll inra Mtwiifk, "ri-v J. Jones, r-erton-rd, Strathfleld. STED. BRTCLAYER, smull jou.

euwum.i ai l.tri Walker-st. Redfern. W. Atklna ana i TX1 MAN. look toKtUn Box 119, G.P.O..

Townsrille. tnuTL'n nrti-H ana if years ui 1 Box Annsnoaie. VfANTtl.D, NAVMK-S; Horses, Tipdrays. and Teaaaf, It 3rd section ortn TiA NTKD, 18 Woodcutters, orays, wu job. BungarriDee.utBiowu.

ANTED, smart Yoith, to will add H-w, aa i A.P..C. Wrntwirth fnlla P.O. VV slater' iren. rml'th. Mitchell, 68 Peters inri.

llt achool preferrH WANTED, roferencea. Applv letter. BX WW. 7ASTKD. mutt Youth, one wiw wow! VV p-eferrcd.

Letter. 1WX Mi, "-''-O- ATCHMVKER. -Wanted, yg. Man, Apply letter, for country town, 60s wk. Manly P.O.

SALESMAN. Angus and Coote, jcweiiers. WANTED, smart IMPSOVjsu, rAir VV ard Son, nirmlncluim Kuw Mills. Auburn. a JUNIOR CLERK, about 16.

good quall-VV aa). V7ANTKD, competent urx VV Caretaker. Savings Dj.cWnjoorrt. IxTCntFD. smart BOY.

APplT 1" a.m., Haiuruay, PlU-st. Sydney. wAWtri1idv MAN for Contrart.or, must invest VV iw or upwards. Dun lop. TO Pittst Tlmart LADS, for Factory.

4S3 Kent- smart GIRL, for newsnrfTicy and station- Annlv S3, 'o- WrAMTED. ioteDiemt BOY for warehouse, wages 7a 1 M. 737, uersm. ing. Apply It L.

Adams. Sorthwood. W7ANTED. an exper. Boy or vwn, VV r.lf on Monday.

15 Imperial Arcade. frVvl-kn. a Lift Attendant to hydraulic jm. Appiy Queensland timer, i nnwrm smart BOY. Me enger, good chance nTiKTi'n rioV tor miaairra D.

Murray, S75 aW AJCTBOf Youth as MJfiSENOER, 10a to ataxt viNTED "exp. Teacher for Oeoroetry, Algebra, and VV Tviwr-inmetrr. Terma. Flaxen, neraia, r.iua-i- vATl- HOY for aulky, "early. 118 MiUex-st, Sydney.

BOY for merchant's omee, nrro irom V.L nreferred. Apply Box 1408. G-PO IXTASPEdT rVinl. hoDeat LAW, tor tobacconist's. f.

Iiad and a Gtorre-at an TED. Traveller and Collector, tailoring, salary VV snd commission. Box 254, Q. WAl'i'VtOr'OOrXXTtEra and" SULKY BOY. Jon-a foot BsthUt-St AT WANTED for Large Girls' Bcflooi, nes irinn State etc Principal, Herald.

TASTED, W1REWORKEII, and bqvi iwn Wire Netting 2 Pine-st. Darlington. nrtvrkn. a rood Bricttiayer a VT Jfh. opp.

Children's Hospital, Olehe. 117ANTED. Wheelmaker, also Binart IKKiymaKcr im- VVprovcrPetrflBr 1 TAN TED, MASONS for foundations, ue twaxerviiu; VV card en, Itandwick Public WANTKD STONEMASONS. Seari a jou, wai-VVtl WANTED, young Girls, Just left school preferred, cigarette manuf. Rosman and 1S3 King-at, c.

VAA'1'11'- BOYS "WTntl1 wages 13s. Apply Stvhrt C.mnlull Pain nerdown. WANTED, a smart Youth or young Msn, constant If suit iltable. 7. ju a.

wu tANTFD, Viiiting Ooremess. Apply B.U.. r.u., I'd rra matt. LADY. Oanvaai Fancy Goods.

Oil day. Kogsrah Post-offiee. WANTED, 2 Smart Solderera; also Bo.vb. T. Danks, Zet 1 Waterloo.

t7AN'PED. after Easier tin girls' school). Visiting VV GOXERNES3, to teach clase of young children. Teatimunials to P.O., Mllaon'a Point WANTED, GOVERNESS, charge of two children, Address In small family, entire aged 1 and 9 years. Box 193, G.P.O.

vVftNTED, for country, first-class MAN, to take VV charge of Ironmongery Department must produce good credentials. Apply Box 1, Roaelle P.O. WANTED, a capable TRAVELLER, to do the suburbs, with thorough knowledge of Timber and Joinery. Apply WANTKD, after Easter (In girls' school), Visiting Governess, to teach class of young children. Testimonials to A P.O., Milson'a Point WANTED, LADY STENOGRAPHER and TYPIST.

Apply, stating qualifications, etc, aaiary 85s. B. Herald. TT7E nAVE VACANCIES for TWO SMART BOYS, for General Office Work and Errands. MILLER ADVERTISING 117 Pitt-street, Sydney.

WAiNTrfDTrNVOICE good penman. Copy of references, stating age. Wages Sua. Apply FLOUR, u.o. r.u.

not; xsi. VrA.NTED. rti Inttlllgent bOY, learn typewrite! repair trade, and do general omee wont. repair trade, and must knew city. Apply FISHER and LINGUA 12 noon, to-day.

7 A NTED. smart. WeH-develosed ware- VV house, must be willing, no objection to boy Just leaving school, wages ins weex. Apply in own nsna-wrltlng to Box 1121. G.P.O.

TTtaNTED. 'lOVERN'PaS. CMt Ladv Heir. 2f Cook and IundreM, 1 1 Oenrrals, 10a, 14a, 18s. Apply naturday attemoon.

ctocs, ROOM 18. 158 Pitt -Street. YVANfED, CARPWfRRS and JOINERS, to Join" SyT-VV nev ProsTcssive Society. Ent. Fes, 2s: contribu tions, Ail per week.

Apply Secretary, Room 14, Trades Hnn, Nr. xr Biuni'AT muni. VVNTVn- A FlRflT-CLABfl COACllSMml. Partial ltrs and salary required to MORR1H8RY and SONS, South Grafton. VVOMAN POTTER Wanted to demonstrats at the "What To Do with our uiris" ucmonstrstional Fhibltlon.

fine npp. tor competent worker. Apply Miu O. E. BURROWS.

Pitt-atreet VANTD- "P'rienced ADVtdTCANv'ASSER for leading MetropoliUn Weekly. Stat what paper employed on. Apply T35, Herald Office. experienced (1IRL forBot leTalje 1 1 ing, etc, moH be neat wnrker. Apply 4 ABUaB inuiiio ami 80 Rvdne VANTED, Smart Hsberdaaherv and Fancy HandT good window -dresser preferred, for Dal ton Orange, references, state salary required, I os I TV, u.P.O.

WANTED, for Store, Urge town, Western Line; Young MAN. take chares Crocker ami Wages 8 per week. Apply i dox vs. If ti yATcrTMArtER tVpROVFR wanted tW West Malfc ts 8, good prospscu for steady and llahls young man. rtfWH, BARTITEL, and CO.

amart OFFim nnv v. tVTANTRD. Bt Apply hr letter to WRlGIfT, II EATON, and Limited, W1 pis: Stood iulky hamU, Mrlctlf A. BARMBt, I.Hlow, UetuM. tttw.

EXAMINATION 8. royal tut iSLTTluund in KMrl loathing of the Puimc MLauiuiauou we-paruurut of BTOTT AND HOARE'S BIHINKBS COLUMK. -wta gBCMM enormooaly outnumber thou ol all ainular erhuola. first passes in iow amnrrf bv our Stndenta, with con-Jaoid auutcoTin 111 Bulcuueiit Exanjiua- FOl'R FIRST PASSES wen. awurcd our Stndenta during tha tarter alx month! of lflft alone, in addl-Scin to niimeruu, other high in order ol n.crit.


AH Particular OD application. OPPOSITE GOVERNMENT SAVINGS DANK. VpWCAL I'rnitice, pastoral and agricultural dis- iuu, can be inc. urucx. A rare ch-ince occurs of -eitrliig a jjl aa-J Prat, tor t7rt, ttmii.

Loiion. i.ndid unopp. opening on rail. W.A., 'JU. bonne be builL TfrUICAl.y L.

wanted, aulc to ride, 2Utb inat; JM. ilo mi later. Lmitiin, 1 O'lTouncll-iL irinnHl' 'i'-'d coun. est. ini-otiie C600 to Jli 70(1.

H-i-Mhmim- ami 11 PittL ITarticc. tloTiiK Ai.wo'." im. Bale, price1 1U f2S5. HaillhrnM" "oyiii Wanted, Work, by MrchanRal Engineer, JU. country preferred.

scot, i a ram unu-e. VfAHAUK and MANIC TICK. UfeL lndoQ lUiik-t haiiilKTA, 1'itt second floor, rid Market iU. TUTASSKl SK. MiiniciiriHt, ladii' Hiiirdrwwr.

Hair jjl Stain Spec. Mr, llthagg, ChaUis Martin -pi. SfELBOL'UNK Masseur will snssige privately lot itfifour seeks. E. I.

Manger, 17 winter, ri HUi, rabhit trar-pinB, raxmI thing, fooil nun. IIi tIm rt.liJ diwngnrJ, flrBt-cla Jjl Job. nd itone hand. ftimating. Safe, Herald.

Corwt aud'hVU Maker, 5 Derweat-Iftl it, opl'. I nivemity 570 CM. lfASAfiK ami W. T. DATTOS, JjlBodj (hand or elwUical), tkj; Face.

8 (r LlH; iiuunire. Is; (Vnw. I a CM. Comnitutions free. I Orford-etrwt, Woollahm; al it paticnta' homca.

TfASSACiK M.ditally Rrrommcndml, Paralylin, Loco- ill motor Ataxia. Ulinima tmm, Mtvcs. j-ure laiiRni. pTictney. Udy Pni'il.

Mr. A. I. WCHIT1I, Maainir. Xo2, IB, tad Hour.

Ktniliri I Arcade. Tel. 1IKDHtIi. Applicant for Medical (HBcer to Ioyal N.I.O.O.F.. and Court Victoria, ftR.F.

Kindly corniniiniiate witli Hon. SctrcUry t.LK., 121 lUlJnireMreet, hyrtney. JVL (lprTii.ii. or SilkBman. or aa General, can dress vrrt i cua Vaihilt M.m trnnu si 1 1 jujx hi run- Maiak Write Wilier, TIenUd.

TI1X1NF.KY SCHOOL. 120 Strand. 2nd floor, Mrs. jVI edg.R SWAN best system taught, foun-ilitiofw flnifh. New models copy.

Positions secureil. Jrifel i fare. Indiv. Tuition. 10 Lessons, fie, day, evg.

SMllOOL. PAY and EVENING ifti CLASSES. 10 lessons, 6a. Individual Tuition from start to flnithi Min KFSnAN, 57 Sydney Amide. inTLUNERT-.

SCIKKH- MISS McCA KTHY, EOLITAHI.E UUU.IUNQ, OEORCE STUKKT. lioki Adraneement Guar. Buckram Shape a Speciality. raT.OPINA PRICE'S COIJ.EOE. 4.

6. fl. and 7 Piwenix -chambers, Pitt-atreet. opp. 'iSilNEttY TAUGHT by one of Sydaey'a EuUest Jeacbfrs.

rrospecnis on appiK-aiioa. rUDICAIi. Members of the Medical Profession not in connection with the British Medical Aaaocia-Mm are rraneetfullv reniiettrd to forward their names ud adrlnwes to K. WILLIAMS, Secretary. Newtown sod Diitrict Friendly Societies Aaaociation, Enkine- lille-road, Newttrwn.

PERCH ANTS AND MANt FACTI'KKKH. Do ymi require the eerricea of a highly qualified IUSARER and SlTpKBVlSnltf One with over 20 yean of snccesi bad an unblemished record seeks an biganinerit. Uig'icst credcntJaLs, personal or otherwise 18, Herald Office. KISS BLVMENTH All, DRY CI.EANT-R. DYER, OS TKICfl FEATHER DRESSER, 43 Queen Victoria starkeu, Suits, Coatnmca.

I'reeses, Blouses, latces. Opera, Dut Cloaks, Furs. Gloves, etc. Dry Cleaned, Vjtd. Panama, Felt Hats Clean-d, Re-bheked.


8 and Otis-chambers, 82 Klnr-fttreet. odd. Rvrlnev Arcsae. New Seuon's Millinery Now Showing. Come and a to make your own.

Pupils can copy any modeL atntnia secured for mini Is when competent. 10 LESSONS 5s. RAT ANI1 Kl lr- Hf ASSAGK. all. Any I Any l-ady who rallies her natural heritage of Itsaty, and to whom a delicate skin and perfectly braided features are essential will visit MADAME HTTIES.

London and Continental Plastic and Electrical Masseuse. Differs to usual methods. All Skin Benuahea, I'imples, Withered Neck, Double China, llackheads. Wrinklea, etc, successfully treated. MuL tilt Conre anl wynyare.

atfc SP8 INSPECTION ACT, yen. KAMTNATtONS of Candidatea for FJCCTTNK and ttECTRIC MOTOR DRIVERS CERTIFICATE of COMPETENCY in terma of the above Act will he Irid as nhown below: FOR WINDING ORDINARY CERTIFICATES. TTESDAY, 4th MAY. Broken Hill and Wymlong. FRIDAY.


1TWDAY, 4th MAY. Tingha. MONDAY. IfHh MAY. Rvdner and Bowline Allev hint FRIDAY.

14th MAY, Orahamrtnww. lOR ELECTRiC MOTOR nHIVEiS, CERTIFICATES. TODAY, 4th MAY, Sydney. Broken Hill, and Cobar. Imlleatloni most he received at least One hi Mntith prior to the date o1 Fta mi nation those snirlng late will not rereii-e consideration.

rorrra anci inn partieuiani are ontainaoie from in-sfectorf of Mines, or the indn limed. E. F. P1TTMAN, i rnder-Secretar. and I ChiAirman of the erf Fnmlnm JjTlimERY.

KAY'S OOLLEGK, REMOVED to Sydney Arcade, King-street tr Attbrmn Models are now nn view, and ptipils wd take this opportunity of being taught to make vwd uats. brtkmlxrsai KArS RAT SHOP, Sydney Arcade. flRAtiau ha. v. 17 Ktn.

-a UUIlUff flUUUI' Cm CU Tnr latum flurtng- Arconclirmcnt. Jfc'J'tt'n'led. "ASIIUIV," ,1 Re Flaw lerma mcioprate. I. Henry, 1.11 PJtt-rt kt.

eat. lloatbilil.len, ith Srit. Krsllr ,34 Pi" 1 imS11 "Id eat. Indent Mer.h., tnth aort gru. wareJ.14 Ptlt-at.

Zl I Wf and 4.W. Wllua, Herald, liiJJ: Manulac. dolni eSTanre Phalli; Houi. btw 8utlon Aavney, turri- j-. reo.

I'niiiipa, utiallta 11. pUIITftO, Narro, T-heonr mnin "erald, Kini at tow. i with eapl- filBn.n;,-.--1 ret. 714, Herald. IKiSSr milliner, take charae.

2 A-' Summer Hilt, th Am to am; wanted, forrs fiTErwSS- ENEROETIO, Herald. fSaLlm tourehale tttlcle AnS? f11, 01 vsliiahle llouaehnl.t AllTr. LU0H' Virtort- ffi-ff'l! "rTa mental 'derangement ''A VENDER, Windermere, ti ira f'rk l88ft- Brcial attend: TffJ1'-- nata. flnnc tnventor to place popular sal-. Wft repaid 18 months, wa fB good LlJNpKlNfl.

II Moore-alrer: Wl2rr0N' WTwiTr-be-gWel "orrTlTn (2T Poaltlon. eithet wssss 8AWRT Mtmu, xcellenl 716, TRUSTWORTHY, MetxopoUtan Bus. OoUegs, in Pitt. One our atudenta asys: I ve now been at the Smith -Premier tat free weeks, arid le learnt mora during that short siw of time than I did in the ail months at another roll. I'm mrrv I didn't come to the -Smith-Premier' In the fleet nlaee.

heeaiia I wM mw "I a. AVF tancr 1 IU SUir I lie ICU1IC ill the Business Colletre that I went to would ooen their ryrm mrjf unrw in at i Dmiin-rremier sinneina were Oouaa of other cases can be mentioned, and if vonMI call at the College we'll give you further proof of the remarkable prugreia made by our students. Day. Krenlnc. and Postal Tnitinn in nirtrlnM jecta.

Coaching, personally and BY POST, for Civil Service and ail other Public Kxama, SMITH-PREMIER BUSINESS COLLEGE, 80 Oastlereagh-at, lacing Moore-st. Thoaw, 993 City. rjlITE BIGQEST SALARIES are commanded by the Graduates of 8TOTT AND HOARjr'8 BUSINESS OOLLEGHl, by reason of their Superior Training aw) Efficiency. DURING THE WEEK at BaiartM tnaadaTl tTe been slsKkest as asaa tts per assk loo touomK atc Heel, from our Hat: Orel. 1 ioy morrrnuw-Tynirt, Vncfifnery Merchants, I lad; Typkt, 111 wk.

Plan. rtiand-Tjt, Lad Sboi Murk. IflsUraikFe Compajry, Lufy Shortaafld-Typurt, 30a fc bKuranoe Company, i Male Shorthand -Typist, 40s wk. Broker. Junior Lady tnxntbs-Tysfe; wk.

Cyete lUmifaoiirera, Merchanto (Tork-atrcsgV ale Shorthand Typist (Teiporary), 60s wk. MamirwtaTirnr 8titroners, Lady tarthajadTvkkt, 30a mk. Photrrgraphejt, Udy Shorthtnd-Typist, 90s wk. Foundry Oompsny, Male HhortliaiKl-TypBtt, 15s wk. Importer, Idy Sfhanrf-Typlst, 20s wk.

EMPLOYHaRA PRrPRR fitro nr a nfTA-ew and the Demand for oor Studenu is always in excess of inuttrsted Prospeetui on Apvlkxtioo. MOO RE -STREET, OPPOSITE GOVT. SAVINGS BANK. CJTYL. D'maker ladles and children's clothes, 3s 6d and fares.

Work, P.O., North Sydney. UTENOGUAPHER and Typist 0 yeara avvait- rJ mg position, rtepiy Mel atcao. Herald. tlMAKT businesB Lady wants Management iTrge Hotel Jjlioarding-hoiise. Open week.

Economical. Q.P.Q. CJOUTIt KENSINGTON WOHCAnfl QCOMPAA'Y eJ IfiO STRAND, Fourth Floor. Lessons, Di'signa, Tools, Woods, etc SPLENDID INVESTMENT, 00, rtturn prt cent, net profits. PIKE and MACDONNELt.

nsrun-piace. C3 MOTtVri Practical Demonatratinn am tMs Students finished In the art of tMrtof; nd fitted for the position of Chauffeurs. Full Course, It, Office, 2M Elisabeth-street SHORTHAND (PlTMAVfTi CT.ASBES. 47 ELIZA RETU-STREET, SYDNEY. MONDAY and THURSDAY, 5, 6, 7, and p.m.

Fees, ins Gd and 1 Is per Quarter. Prospectus of Morning Class on application. WM. C. STUART, Teacher.

Instructor Sydney Technical College. SHORTHAND. POSTAL LESSONS A SPECIALTY. 1 Equal to Private Lessons. Easy and Interesting leading to a valuable accompliiih-ment.

Write, T. STANLEY FRTMMERHAYES. I Sir Isaac Pitman Medallist at 'JfiO words per minute. METROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLLEGE, I2i Pitt-atreet rpiIE Commercial Collet, Summer Hill, teaches Shott- rilllK C'Vmmereial Col Hill, -1 -a.

wishinit to take up commercial iiit.ja. iiiinti, lypcwniuiK, ana an uom. auntects tnor. nHE tiommeniai College, Sum. Hill, has successfully irmneu imnoreua oi nuniu in commercial suiiiceu.

Panerha niters. Wantctl. Price for Paoerinar 4 A- Roomo. W. E.8axtnn, 48 Day-at TRAVELLER, with all lines railway" tickd, winU good t'ommiidtions.

C07, Herald. 11RAVELLER st-t-ks Pos. any lines, city, salary or own turnout. 123, P.O.. Summer Hill.

1 TRAVELLER wanted to take new line on commission. Box 1075. G.P.O. fllYPISTE, Stenographer, engaged office afternoon. winhea Pos.

mornings, matric. Sfl'ary, 711, Herald. r) Sl'AmiRi-EKpt'rt, Cls'ssers, Engineers, Shear-era. Scourers, waiting. Box 028, G.P.O.

TAILORS (Master)." Cutter, imported "bv Hrm, 3 (K Re-engagement. "47. Herald. rpO BUSINESS doing all" "li N.S.W., with plenty of bpare time, wants COL- ijr.v,ii.u. neii recommcnacu ana guaranteed.

008, Herald. mo IMPORTERS and Exporters. YOUTH. 18, wants Engaircment, speaks French and German, acquired in Europe, understands S'hand, Twriting, B'kecping, vw. mnrc ics.

iinAn saury. r.K.r., Herald, King at njV) Mlied or "i')airy Farmcra. Thoroughly competent Engliih Farmer, with faintly, dcain-s Engagement, iwuhs wev. Apply 474, Herald Office. THE V.A.

Knlttmir Machine 10 Wellington-street off- Regent-street, city want people to msks hosiery for tliem at their own horoeg, good monei made. InsfructTonw free. Call at once. mo MASTER TAILORS. Assistant CUTTER, smart young man, new amvaj, wants Position in flrit-claai shop.

Herald Office. rno HORSE BREEDERS, o. mtn' MANAGER, or otherwise, or, stud Farm, large experience' in Breeding and Train. Ing for Show and Sale, Buying and Selling, frequently Judged at English shows. Address 700.

Iterald. FT1HE BOY who has had a twin ess Training at the METROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLLEGE enjov unique op. portiinities for advancement. The training the 5 10 1 SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS "-tv. nn.e lo-usy mr run iTospectus.

piIE FOUNDATION of future prosperity la HOME STUDY. Learn Prartical Money-earning Ruhjceta nder the Unique System of Postal Tuition of ST0TT AND HOARE'S BUSINESS' COLLEGE. The Established Institution for Education by Pott WK TEACn BY POST Bookkeeping, Pen-manship, Shorthand, Typewriting, Elecv trirnl Enginperlng, Architecture, and Building Construction, eta. WE COACH BY POST for all Public Exams. Write at once for our Free Booklet "HOME STUDY.1' Not the Address: MOORE STREET, SYDNEY.

UPH0LSTER1N0. --Suites. Onuchea, etc, Re-coveredT Pianos Repoliahed. Oldfield, 40 Brown st, N'town. travelling agent, insurance cam tierm.

disU, com. only. 580 Herald. WANTED, good roach, for lntermediste BankEtam.T August. U'

Herald Office. cil. WANTED, by active eld." Man. BiiteheTwork. about slaughier-hseorshoTi, useful.

Sausage, Herald Ben. aa no ohjT, rtr Sub-Mat rori, l-ys pref. Rita. P.O.. ANTEI), erliicater Man.

lS, haTT-BhsrPin" new Olfli-e Anphnme. fortune. Monnnolv. HeraM. WANTED.

TARTNKR, with" "atxAo, wnrlc amoUTuT profitable Patent. Anlv Aunim. Herald Offlpa. j. "Van, as Grocer's Assistant7ior lector, etc, ride, duvt, ref.

A. Hersld Office. a typist and "Inorthand Writer, Just from ooliegi. J. Loagford.

FA. Kosraa. 1 AJ i I -ar J- I TTI 11 I -a- and 20th tal. of the cftl.e, Shepherd-st, Marri.kville. by "reap.

Girl, to help in housework, rd. Sat af. and Sun. free. Ss.

C.A.B., P.O. compeieni lain Woman Cook, for laina- Applyli WPit -at 5npn. G.P.O. o'c. ir-u, a rehpectatile day.

20 We 1 1 i nirton -a Newtown. 40AIicc-Bt, Newtown. WANTED, useful GIRLS, good hoineaT" fcliaj-st, Newtown. Apply 1 iJ uJ plain cook. yarv-m, Newtown.

a respectable Girl, Apply Eglamour, Kloane-t. aa General, n-fuvneeav Summer Hill. 7ANTED, (illlL for Ylock7SMj houtit'U'nrk. al.orit id Apply ianM, Enmore. VY'lT J.n'PK lfi- tist hfHisework.

wgMrs Wolf.l. IL W'jNTtU' 'urwgrZ lrANTED, Eld. General Useful. Apply 0 u'cloek. Ilnnn.ti.

WAd7aTKIi5 i 1 Harris. Ultimo Houw. i7 Ilarris-st Yng. GIRL to as-Vst houwwnrk. 6s.

Mrs. Burton, Ralhluha. c'ou i.r.t Wm lour Haiti, in a good strong Lad, for garden and gent loorooira. linley-nv, Itoa-ville. VV ''IBni neral, amall fiuuilv, ood waives.

11 Apply 123 north. Circular Ouav. clean Uirl to mind bah v. wages Mrs. Jones.

Leiimeah. yA.NTKD, Hl'V. Jor anlky. Apply Cani perdown, Monday itioruinit. early.

VXANTKD, LAIIV IIKU-, 2 In 'iAmilr. Mie without waaliing Sa.llolder.lVO., Vai. VTANTKI, youna; Oiri, aaaiat luxiaeliold duui aaUr, yANTf.f), Ir.n, lo inlnd an Invalid old fidVTS I Tper week. liM Oeoarn at, Hurry fyA'KTEO. a competent rilutiskKKEI'KIt (motneFJid aon). as Hotirke.t VV i hcllt "en.T.1, in fanTlij: Kallmna. ANTKII. Little Girl to mind a halS 131 Kg Bourke-at. n.irlfnehiim.

VVTANTED, a Female COOK; also a SCULLERYMAID. Apply 65 t'orso, Manly. 27U. WKD, compt s'in family. Apply p2 2.W.

Mrs.'.n. Hill, ii-i iTZZl WVJf lwo milk and "deliver. WT PT Jm'''. Canary-rd.

Duretrille. a HtLP, not under SO, Uountains. I adults. SLaLe rw. rt.

u- "f'f' yi-nenl- cay pleasant horns T-UST Cathqrwell. Durham stDuLlliU. General, sll duties: Appl jll Broadway, CJJel. kKV lyA.NTED, on farm. HOY alu Ifi.

rtlnHta nd good home. Apply Thelma, Herald, Kma-st. ivt'Wii'shinir. MM ED, a good GENERA Ino 'oopcr-ttt. Double liat- VVAST competent LADY HELP.

Bo wngea and home. Anriv NTED. aa l.f.ii.a. ar.A K.rr. ij.tV.

MjEwan lloMinrton. Bream-st, Coogee. resp. old MAN. useful aboiit" h.

and kok after nonv. tran. I'ufn i i- VyANTKD, at'onr. CJfltL to'look afterthe children. 21 Harrinrton-st.

off 1 VVA NTED, competent GENERAL, gooTwawrear "tation. Mrs. Cox, Avon-nl, P-mble. GENERAL, tta. 88 Foucart- Bo- rrANTRD.

ligfiTOeneral, small family, good JJLApply Rerwen. Lyoua-nl and A lex. -at Dmmn wssreaL Drummorne. ANTED, Nanomea. i gt ceiteral.

small family. Apply Park-nl. Miirriekvill. lVT A 'TitESS. Brisbane nouse, Uveo Bay; Waxeajla VrAITKD'.

eharworaeu, to clean olllrim weekly. AD- ply early, V. II. Fanner, 88 Kimr-at "KNtKAl. or HouaenTard RoVil lotel, Carlton.

VYpl" GENERAL, light; VvfeSr1 a Ujrl- honaework. IJUL tv. Met. 118, Melton. Omn-at.

B-dE inr'Aiiply-J S.1 1 Dauihr, YyANTVlD. yonni irl, aaaiat all duUeaTwasea oC Aliply, Aunandalc. VyANTED, amart Woman t'ook, espertenn Od ra- ataur.iut. Apply Hem-ntjit, city. ANTKU, comp.

General, no waahlng, muat hare reference5.Mrj,l.ike, Iloulevard StrathfleldT TANTE1 competent (kneral. no waahlng. Apil Monaro, llradley a Iload rT, KoSi reapeciaoie young uirl, awiat light hoi nl. un tin i. young General or Lady Help, 3 no waahlng, rcterencca WarraweeMiunn-rd, Crena, VITANTKD, a Lady Help; arnail opes a dayaTr.

"waahlng.Mra. t'oiieland, Vveatern-at. Harria Park. WANTKD, a' conip. Nuraery HoiaM Maid." Apply o) narllnghumt-rd.

I.arlinrhurat. tTrANTKU, amart uaeil to (Id reataurant, no Sunday work; ao, Boy for kitchen work, dean. Apply after ID o'clock, Eniklne-atreet, rdty. TinitOW, refined, acnrlMc, domctieatcd, thofougfijj rcapecflahlc, would llko to meet nice homer family, aa Help, Houarkeeper, or Needlewoman, tow. or country.

PROTESTANT, P.O., Wnollahna. TANTKD, competent GENERAL, cottage, ainail gaa alove, between II and 12. Pare paid. Orovilon. Reach.

aire. YVANTCH, HOV'8KMAlU NiaDI.KW()MANrApia5 .1 Monday morning to Mia YVANTED, a competent IIOLSl'aaAll), gootT wageit Apply aller in a.m., 1 U. PftANRI.IV. C.mhrldge Hotel, Marttet-atn-eL YVANTCI). LIGHT GkSkraL, amairadTilt lamily.

"'no ahlrta or cdtara, waahlng opUonal, good nKjTRAL uA Y. VVdJn''1'' 'k help In gar Mllroy, Albert road, Ktrathfleld. WANTED lor f. e. station, erery ciotivcnlenti COMPT: M.

Apply Monday to Mra. V7UOIHN lis lViat 1A Pitt-at, opp. Of YVANTED, jUPEtllOR MAID, Miiat be R.O. and good needlewomin. Meet lady 11 o'c.

Monday at Mra. WOOI.IX-J, Pl0amberalHAPlttat, opp. G.pVO. mmi 't-'lA-. tor country re'teC druaail, Ma, Sue, all for aame hotel! Uenerala.

12a. Ma NORTJIffEffrE11N AGKNjyfjJA IJ nden cn.irt WANTSn. young ULNKRAL, In firnilycottag gaa ato.e. refer eca. Mj.

I1ENJAMIN, IU 014 goaU Uw Near PndJ unction. TVArTfED, young MAM." general naefulruajltl poultry, anl nr. n.ln. 7 Annt. i.h.

requireil, Bog lo!" O.P.O., SydnaT wterencej. atatlng age and wan vyANTP.ll, young GIRL, aaMTVnarwork: AppD ri lVV Lear, tram WIIMajw-ttnau. Br. Mm. ADDIW1N, a mha, Pairfa*g-rrwa.

UIIXMKA1.S, Chatawood (near Mnwt yroail). VVilKU nriioirsKHAln wigeTTli; 17 Jteeem Ajply Mra. AMPS IIHOWN, cident insurance Company. Apply, stating capabilities, with copies of reference, to Box 371. O.P.O., Sydney.

1 0 A DISTRICT HOSPITAL. APPLICATIONS will be received up to SATUHDay Inst, for the Position of NURSE to Cnnma Applicants to state salary required and send refer ences. CHARLES J. WALMSLEY, Becretarv. fWim.

lOUNCIL Or THE BLUE MOUNTAINS shirjC SANITARY INSPftCTOR, ETC. boy. APPLICATIONS will be received hr th. rimed un to the 24th MARCH. lfluU fn ik.

SANITARY INSPECTOR, etc, to the above Coun fialarv CUD ner annnm. ani nallsn T. area. reference will ha srtvatt ba thnaa har4 MMa enperience. Mpecincatinnr of rmrJea Ms he nhtn Bt h.

Lawaon, peTBOnaily or bv nest 11 atamna en. dosed. Vnvelonea to ha MdnftaM a nktiaui i. Inspector, ttc." Canvasi of Councillors will disqualify. btohey LENNON, 1, i Uth Hank, 3 EADS T.ADY btit Ticea, to may be obuicd the ftejrlj.

H. B. BANFF. rUgiftrar. aUroh and, 1909, HijitsiioTru, Mo.

Mmoi ii Vi. -iitsnn to auluWa glnl'.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


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Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.