Thèmes (FranceArchives) (2024)

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Thèmes (FranceArchives) (2024)


What was one major effect of Napoleon's rule of France was that it led to? ›

Explanation: One major effect of Napoleon's rule in France was that it led to a restoration of political stability after the French Revolution. Napoleon came to power in France after the chaos and instability of the French Revolution.

What was the goal of the balance of power doctrine during the Congress of Vienna? ›

The basic tenet of the European balance of power that reigned from 1814 to WWI is that no single European power should be allowed to achieve hegemony over a substantial part of the continent and that this is best curtailed by having a small number of ever-changing alliances contend for power.

Which geographic condition contributed to the defeat of Napoleon? ›

In a word, it was "size" and "winter" that contributed to the defeat of Napoleon's troops during the invasion of Russia. There was simply too much space to cover and his men started to starve.

What was the major effect of Napoleon's rule of France? ›

As First Consul, Napoleon instituted a number of lasting reforms: centralised administration of government, a higher education system, a central bank, law codes and a road and sewer system, many of which are still in place today.

What 4 factors led to Napoleon's downfall? ›

Significant causes of his downfall included the Continental Blockade, the Peninsular War, the Russian Campaign, and the direct role of Britain.

What was a major result of the French Revolution in France? ›

Across France and the rest of Europe the consequences of the Revolution were huge. There were many new developments including the fall of the monarchy, changes in society with the rise of the middle class, and the growth of nationalism.

Why did the Congress of Vienna led to revolts in France? ›

The Congress of Vienna led to revolts in France becauseit had a liberal agenda that angered the conservatives. it promoted elected parliaments that weakened the monarchy. many people objected to new territorial boundaries.

How did Napoleon gain support in France? ›

After the victories in the Italian campaign and despite the defeats in the Egyptian campaign, Napoleon was welcomed in France as a hero. Napoleon drew together an alliance with a number of prominent political figures and they overthrew the Directory by a coup d'état on November 9, 1799 (Coup of 18th Brumaire).

Why did Napoleon never invade England? ›

Napoleon's plans to invade Britain failed due to the inferiority of his navy, and in 1805, Lord Nelson's fleet decisively defeated the French and Spanish at the Battle of Trafalgar, which was the last significant naval action of the Napoleonic Wars.

What damaged Napoleon's empire the most? ›

In effect, the Continental System hurt Napoleon more than it hurt his enemies. It weakened the economies of France and the other lands under Napoleon's control more than it damaged Britain. Portugal was ignoring the Continental System, he sent an army through Spain to invade Portugal.

What disease decimated Napoleon's forces? ›

In short, it will argue that the primary reason Napoleon failed to defeat the Russian army was because his forces were decimated by disease, specifically typhus, dysentery, and diphtheria.

What was the major significance of Napoleon's rule of France? ›

Of permanent importance was the Napoleonic Code created by eminent jurists under Napoleon's supervision. Praised for its Gallic clarity, it spread rapidly throughout Europe and the world, marking the end of feudalism where it took effect.

What were the effects of Napoleon's rule quizlet? ›

Napoleonic rule was beneficial as it provided opportunities for social mobility and for people to rise through the ranks in the military. Lycees were established in Italy and Belgium = providing education for young people. Education for the middle class to preserve the importance of their lineage.

What was one major effect of the French Revolution? ›

Across France and the rest of Europe the consequences of the Revolution were huge. There were many new developments including the fall of the monarchy, changes in society with the rise of the middle class, and the growth of nationalism.

What was the result of Napoleon's reign? ›

Napoleon established order in the civil sphere. Those changes were lasting. His military victories were so ephemeral, and ultimately, it's his unbridled military ambition that brought him down, but even in defeat, his civil reforms and political reforms survive. His influence extends beyond France.


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